Chapter 15

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I woke up feeling a little bit better but not much, I looked around and saw that I was in Stiles room again. I liked it in here it was all cozy, except for that window in front of his desk, I always feel like somebody's watching me. I yawned and was about to get out of bed when I heard a voice, "Get back in that bed." he said and I slid back in.

"I brought you some tea, so I hope you like tea." Stiles said playing it next to me on the nightstand. "I do, thank you." I said still tired as anything. He put his hand on my forehead again and shook his head, "You're still burning up."he said and sat next to me. "How long was I out?" I asked sitting back up, "Just a couple hours, it's 3:30 am." he said and I laid back down feeling light headed.

"I have to get home, Isaac-"

"I called him a couple of hours ago and told him you were staying over."

"Yeah because that worked out so well yesterday."

"He feels really bad about that Lyss, he just saw that I was almost naked and assumed-"

"And when you assume you just make an ass out of yourself, which he clearly did."

"Come on he's your brother, you can't stay mad at him forever."

"I know..." I said and sighed admitting defeat, "How about you get some more rest." Stiles said getting back up putting the covers back over me. "But I'm not tired!" I whined, which was a complete lie because I'm exhausted. I was only doing this because he had done this Monday, which reminds me, it's Wednesday which means Thanksgiving is tomorrow.

"Stiles, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?" I asked yawning a little. He looked at me confused but then smiled, "Um I don't know my dad is working so..." he said his voice trailing off. "Will you join Isaac and I for dinner?" I asked getting comfortable, "Definitely, What time should I come over?" he asked laying down next to me. I rolled over and looked at him, "I don't know yet." I said and I got closer until we were cuddling.

I honestly didn't mind, I liked this. It was nice to just lay here like this, in Stiles arms. I wish that moment wouldn't had ended but sadly it did, when the doorbell went off. "I'll be right back, stay here." he said getting up and I just nodded my head as he walked out.

About a minute or two later he came back into the room with Scott, "Hi Scott." I croaked and smiled at him. He looked at me shocked then quickly gave me a small smile saying hi. "Stiles can I talk to you for a minute?" he said "In private." he added and smiled at me with a cheesy fake smile.

"Sure?" he said sounding more like a question than an answer, they walked out off the room and I just sat there, Are they talking about me?

_____________Stiles POV_____________

"Stiles did you sleep with her!?" he added/whispered/yelled, I just rolled my eyes and shook my head "Why does everyone seem to think I've slept with her?" I asked raising my hands in the air, shrugging my shoulders. "Well, when you see a girl in your best friends bed you tend to think he slept with her!" He said pointing at my door.

I just shook my head, "Why is she here anyways?" he asked and I looked at him confused, "Why do you care?". "Because it's guys night, we were supposed to play video games but you never called, and don't forget your coming to my house tomorrow for dinner." he said and walked back into my room.

Oh shit! When did I say I was going there! I don't even remember that! This is not good, not good at all. I walked back into my room to see Lyssa it's sleeping and Scott is hooking up the game console.

I ran over to him and pulled the plug, "Dude what the-" I covered his mouth and pointed to Lyssa. He rolled his eyes and pushed my hand away, "So what." he said and walked over to the bed moving it back and forth.

I walked over to him and pushed him away from the bed and pointed at the door, "Get out! She is sick as fuck and needs to sleep! So get out and go home, I'll see tomorrow." I said. He chuckled and walked over to the door, before he left he turned around, "Might want to check her purse."


"Cause she might have your balls in there." he said and walked out, I stared at the door in shock, he did not just say that! I'm not whipped! We aren't even dating!.....yet.

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