Chapter 12

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"Lyssa, you need to get out of here!" Stiles yelled pointing at the door, but I just shook my head. "He's a werewolf isn't he?" I asked a tear falling down my cheek. "Lys-"

"Is. he. a. werewolf?"

"Yes...he is." Stiles said and Isaac threw him at the wall, I yelled Isaac's name and jumped on his back. Isaac span around then threw me to the floor, What the hell Isaac! I thought getting back up as he started walking over to me. I looked at him and smirked, "Bring it on big bro."

He came running at me and went to grab my neck but I ducked and kicked his legs out from under him. He hit the ground with a loud thud, I smirked and started to walk over to Stiles when he grabbed my ankle and brought me down, slamming my face into the floor. "Fuck!" I yelled and grabbed my nose, great there's blood, damn you Isaac!

I started dragging me close and I kicked him in the face, "Doesn't feel to good, huh?" I said smugly as I got up again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Stiles' bat, I ran over and picked it up. I swung and hit him in the leg making him fall again, "Bitch." I heard him growl at me. "Huh, you have no idea." I said and felt Stiles stand finally, walked up next to me and shoot Isaac!

"Stiles! Why would you shoot him!" I yelled punching his arm running over to my brother. "Calm down it was just to tranquilize him, he'll wake up in an hour or so." he said sitting on his bed. "Are you ok?" I asked after making sure Isaac was ok. "Yeah, I'm fine. What happened to your nose?" he asked running over to me touching my nose slightly. "Could you not, fuck!" I yelled in pain and swatted his hand away, "We should take you to the hospital, it looks serious." he said helping me up.

We got into his jeep and made our way to the hospital, once we walked in Stiles rushed us over to woman with long curly brown hair, "Melissa we need your help." he said and she sighed. "What happened this time?" she asked and he moved so she could see me, "Stiles, could I talk to for minute..." She asked and dragged him away without an answer from him.

I didn't know what they were doing but they kept looking back at me, did I do something? Stiles came back over and smiled at me, "She said she's gonna help you with..all this." he said waving his hands around my face. "What do you mean all this! It's not like I need fucking plastic surgery Stiles!" I said slapping his arm.

"There is no need to be violent anymore!" He said pointing a finger and me and all I did was smile, until I heard what he said next. "You had some really good ass kicking skills back there, the way you took Isaac down like it was nothing. Are you like trained or something?" he said chuckling.

"You were fucking conscious the whole time and you didn't even try to help me!?"

"Yeah, but you were doing so well-"

"He could've killed me Stiles! Then would you have helped me!? What if I didn't kick him in the face and he ripped my throat out!? What if he bit me and I became one of them!?"

"Lyss just calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down! You're brother didn't try to fucking kill you tonight, mine did!"

"Lyss please, we are in a hospital-"

"I don't give a single fuck where we are, you should've helped me!"


"Nothing, that's what I thought." Melissa came over and said she was taking me to a room now, Stiles was following behind. I turned around and that's when the tears started to fall, "Go home Stiles, I don't want you here anymore. As far as I see it, you did this to me, sad part is, I really started to like you. I don't mean like a friend, I mean more. Now I know you aren't any better then any other guy in the world, including my dad!" I said and just looked at his years falling freely.

He walked up to more and tried to hug me but I just pushed him away, No, not this time! "Don't be like this Lyssa, I'm sorry ok!? I know I should've helped you, and I don't know why I didn't but I'm sorry." he said and grabbed a hold of my hands. I quickly pulled them away and just shook my head, "No, it's not ok." I said and walked away from him. Why Stiles, why?


Well that was some intense shit, she like just blew up on him, poor little Stiles!

Do you think he deserved it, or did she go a little overboard?

leave a comment if you don't mind, anyways good night!

I love you all my little giraffes!

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