Chapter 3

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I heard the front door open and jumped to my feet, wiping away some tears that were falling. "Lyssa?" I heard Isaac ask walking into the kitchen, I ran over and hugged him. "Oh my god Isaac! I thought you were hurt or something! I was so worried!" I cried into his shoulder. "I'm sorry Lyssa." he mumbled hugging me back.

"That's all you have to say?! Sorry?! I basically cried my eyes out worrying about your ass." I said getting angry. "I know Lyssa, I should've called you or came home earlier. I was worried about you too, I didn't know if you got home safely, or if you were kidnapped or something." he said and I giggled a little. "I love you Isaac." I said and punched his arm playfully."Love you too." he said and went up to his room.

I sat down on the couch and took a deep breath, my butt vibrated and I picked up my phone. I got a text from Stiles,

'Night jitter bug ;P'

I giggled and texted back,

'Night you nerd :P'

I turned on the t.v. and saw that The Outsiders was on, this is my favorite movie! It was at the end right when Dally was shot, this part always made me cry. "Why did you have to be so stupid Dally! What about Ponyboy, and Sodapop, or Two-Bit!" I cried throwing a pillow at the t.v. and wiped my eyes. "Why did you have to get shot!" I cried. Dally is my favorite because he is such a bad ass, scratch that, was a bad ass!

I turned the t.v. off and went up stairs to my room when I heard a knock on the front door. "Coming!" I yelled at first but then I got quiet remembering Isaac had gone to bed. There was another knock and I opened the door. Ok, you can stop kn-Stiles, what are you doing here? It's like...10:30." I asked shocked wrapping my sweater around myself tighter.

"I uh, needed to your brother. Is he awake? it's important." he said talking off his hood, and he had a busted lip and a black eye. "Stiles, what the fuck happened to you!?" I asked pulling him inside. "Lyssa, watch your mouth." I heard Isaac say from the door, I rolled my eyes as Stilles walked over to him.

"What happened to you?" Isaac asked sitting him down. "Aiden and Ethan happened, they said something and I snapped. I punched Ethan and Aiden started beating the shit out of me. They kicked me a lot and it hurts to breath a little." he said laying down. I looked over at Isaac and he shook his head, "Isaac I have to." I said and kneeled down next to Stiles and unzipped his jacket, lifting up his shirt.

His hand shot down and grabbed my wrist, "Don't." he said in a rather warning tone. "Stiles, I need to see if you have any broken ribs. If you do then you have to go to the hospi-" "No, I'm fine! I don't need your help!" He yelled then jumped up limping to the door, groaning in pain. "Stiles, lay your stupid ass down!" I said  folding my arms over my chest.

He turned around glaring at me and made his way back to the couch laying. "Happy." he asked still glaring at me, "Very." I smirked and lifted his shirt up. My eyes started to water at what I saw, his stomach was all black, blue, purple, and red. There was some blood and a couple cuts, "Stiles....what really happened?"


ok so I know at first Stilles was all nice but Lyssa is slowly starting to get to know him and this means he must hold up his reputation of being a bad boy.

hope you all like it!

love you all, good bye my little giraffes! <3

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