Chapter 26

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I blew my nose and coughed a little, "Babe if you don't want to go tonight its fine." Calum said as we stood at my locker. "No, I've been waiting a week for tonight, I'm not going to let some cold keep me from being on that dance floor with you." I said grabbing my Algebra book. " If you don't feel up to it, then we could go to yours and I can take care of you." Calum said smiling at me.

"You spent 20 bucks on tickets already, Cal." I said shaking my head and shutting my locker. I turned and looked at him, "Besides, we can't go to mine, I moved in with Scott and his mom remember." I said and we started walking to class. "I forgot about that. Are you excited about your birthday tomorrow?" he asked taking my hand in his. "Yeah, I'm finally gonna be 16! I can't wait." I said smiling like an idiot.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to this party with me tomorrow." Calum asked as we turned the corner, "Yeah sure, it'll give me something to do on my birthday." I said nodding my head. We walked into the classroom and sat in our seats, "So how's it living with Scott and his mom?" Calum asked smiling at me.

"It's cool, I mean at first he wasn't really all that nice to me but I think we've gotten closer. His mom is really chill, she's also super nice." I said and turned to look at the teacher as he began to talk.


I walked into the cafeteria, smiling away. I walked into the line and got my food, as I was turning out of the line to sit at the table with everyone someone crashed into me, spilling my food all over me. "Just fucking great!" I yelled and looked up to see Stiles, "I'm so sorry Lyssa I-" he began to say but I cut him off.

"Stop, just forget it." I said and started running out of the cafeteria with everyone's eyes on me. I ran to the closest bathroom and tried to get all of the food off of me. I wiped my eyes as the door opened, "Hey Lyss, are you ok? I saw what happened..." Allison said putting a hand on my shoulder. "I don't understand why he has to just come around and ruin everything." I said running a hand through my long brown hair.

"It was only an accident...or is this more than getting food dumped on you." She said and I gave her a look that said 'Can we just drop it?'. "I think I have an extra shirt in my locker, I'll be right back." She said and quickly walked out. I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror, I look horrible. I had nachos all over my shirt and some on my face, there was red power aid covering my arms and shirt, there was also some applesauce in my hair. I got some paper towels and started wiping off my face, "I hope you don't mind but it's kinda Scott's hoodie." Allison said as she came back in.

"That's fine, I thought you two weren't together anymore." I said slipping off my shirt. "We're not, I just never got around to giving it back to him." She said and gave me a small smile. "You miss him don't you?"

"A little, but I have my eyes on someone else now'"

"Really? Who?"

"Um, it's your brother..."

"My brother? As in Isaac? Tall, brown hair, does a horrible British accent Isaac?"

"Yeah, Isaac."

"Aww that's adorable! Well I think you should make a move." I said sending her a wink. She only giggled and said her goodbyes, once she left I fixed my hair best I could and walked out. I was walking down the hall going back to the cafeteria when I was pulled into the supply closet. "What the hell!" I yelled and turned on the lights.

"What do you want?" I asked crossing my arms, "I wanted to talk to you." he said putting his hands on my arms. I pulled away and shook my head, "Then talk." I mumbled biting my lip. "Why are you avoiding me? ignoring my texts and calls? What was that in the hall this morning? Is he like your boyfriend now?" he asked/whispered.

"First of all he has a name, it's Calum, second of all he is my boyfriend." I said and his face dropped, "What?" he asked. "He asked me out Monday and I said yes."


"But what Stiles? You know I was doing so well ignoring you!" I yelled getting closer to him. "Damn you Stiles! I was doing so good, but then you had to come around and ruin everything! I don't want to like you, I want to like Calum and be able to walk through the halls without being worried about seeing you!" I yelled as some tears trailed down my face.

"You don't mean that Lyssa-"

"Yes I do Stiles!"

"No you don't! This wasn't supposed to happen, you were supposed to be with me!"

"Things change Stiles, so do people."

"Obviously you did, looks like someone gets around." he said pointing at Scott's hoodie. I gasped and slapped him across the face, he retaliated by slapping me back. I grabbed my stinging cheek and looked at him with tears in my eyes. His eyes got really wide, "Lyssa I'm so sorry, I didn't-"

I ran out crying before he could finish, I could hear him running and calling after me but I just ignored him. I ran all the way to the cafeteria and to the lunch table trying to ignore the weird stares I was getting. I sat down next to Isaac and buried my face into his side, "Hey, hey what's wrong?" he asked pulling away to look at me.

He looked at my face and stood up angrily pushing his chair back, "I'm going to kill that prick you call a boyfriend." he said and started walking away quickly. I chased after him until we were out of the cafeteria, "Isaac it wasn't Calum." I said frantically pulling him to look at mute and stop walking.

"Then who did it?" he asked impatiently, " was Stiles." I sobbed and bit my lip to keep them in. "I'm going to fucking rip his throat out!" He yelled and his eyes turned yellow. I shook my head and pulled him into an empty classroom, "Isaac you need to calm down. If you don't you're gonna do something you'll regret." I said making him look at me.

He slowly changed back to his normal self and gave me a hug, "I'm still gonna kill him." he said and I just shook my head. Please don't.

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