Chapter 11

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"Lyss wake up. Come on, Isaac is here to pick you up." Stiles said while shaking me a little, trying to get me up but failing. "Dude, she's not getting up.....I don't know, this morning she told me she didn't sleep at all last night....yeah she didn't even just leave her and let her sleep?.......Well don't we have school tomorrow?........oh yeah, forgot about that.....tomorrow at 11:00am, got it....night Isaac, bye...."

He finished up the phone call and got back into bed, turning off his lamp light, and putt his arms around my waist. I would've giggled, but I'm just too damn tired to do anything but sleep. "Good night Lyss." he whispered in my ear and I just smiled, he knew I was awake.

____________Next Morning___________

I woke up cuddled against a very warm chest, with arms around me, and some light snoring in my ear. I just laid there, not wanting to move or wake Stiles up, but I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later. So why not later? I just laid there and closed my eyes taking a deep breath and taking in Stiles scent. He smelt like...Christmas.

Does that make any sense? Christmas is cookies, the fire place going, cooking a turkey, snow, and.... happiness. That sounds so weird, I'm so weird. That's what he smells like though, happiness, well if it had a smell. Ok Lyss, you need to stop! I tried to pull away slowly and get up but his grip got tighter. "I know you're awake, we have to get up." I said and played with his bed head.

"NOOOOOOOOO, I don't want to get up." he whined pulling me closer, "Stiles we need-"

"Shh, do you hear that?"

"Stiles what are yo-"


I stopped talking and listened, I didn't hear anything until we heard some footsteps coming up the stairs. "Stiles..." I said and grabbed his arm staring at the door. "Stay here, I'll get my bat." He said slipping out of the bed, just then I realized he was shirtless and only wearing boxers. When the fuck did this happen!!?! "Why do you have a bat? you don't even play baseball." I said and pulled the blanket up higher as the foot steps got louder.

"For times like this." he said gripping the bat and the door swung open. Stiles swung the bat and hit the person right in the stomach, the guy fell to the ground moaning in pain. It only took me a minute to realize who it was, it was my brother. "Oh my god! Isaac are you ok!?" I asked running over to him to help him up. Stiles dropped the bat and helped me with him.

"Dude, what the hell!" Isaac yelled catching his breath and glaring at Stiles. "Well, this wouldn't have happened if you would've called me. We thought you were a killer." Stiles said folding his arms smirking. Isaac just shook his head and looked at Stiles then looked at me and went back and worth for a minute, his face growing red.

"Stiles I told you to let her sleep! Not have sex with her! She's 15 Fucking years old!!! You asshole!!" He yelled and stood up. I looked up at him and his eyes changed to a gold color, his nails also got long and sharp. What is going on?! "Isaac!" I yelled and grabbed his arm turning him towards me. I stared at him in shock, He's a werewolf!?


hey guys, so she knows! How do you feel about that? Anyways, I hope you all loved this chapter! leave a comment maybe?

love you all my little giraffes

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