Chapter 36

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It's been about 7 hours since the incident and Allison has finally woken up. She passed out from the blood loss, but she's back now. Luckily for her my father missed all of her major organs, the doctor said it was a miracle that's she still alive. Stiles took me to go see her, when I got to her room she looked over at me and sent me a small smile.

"I'm so sorry Allison, it's all my fault that your in here."

"No it's not, it's not like you could've stopped him even though I know you tried. I'm just happy that I'm still alive." she said and laughed lightly. I gave her a hug, then the nurse cane in and told us that visiting hours were over. I told Allison good bye as did Stiles and we left, going back to his house.

Once we got there I noticed the bags that had Stiles', Lydia's, and Allison's gifts in then we're still in the ground. I grabbed them on our way in and then set them down on the floor. "Stiles where's your dad?" I asked noticing his car wasn't here.

"He probably already went to Scott's for the dinner." he said sitting down on the couch. "Well are you going?" I asked sitting down next to him. "I don't really feel like eating anything right now, how about you?" he asked putting his arm around my shoulders.

"No, I don't really feel like eating.".I said resting my head on his shoulder. "Why did you dye your hair pink?" he asked playing with a strand of my hair. I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess I just wanted you to notice me." I said playing with my fingers.

"What do you mean 'notice me'?" he asked looking down at me still messing with my hair. "Well you've been spending a lot of time with Malia lately-"

"I have?"

"Yeah, and when you forgot about our date last Friday you never said you were sorry. It's not a big deal though."

"Yes it is, I'm sorry babe. I promise I'll pay more attention to you and not forget about our dates." he said and kissed my cheek. "Thanks babe." I said and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

I joltted awake with sweat beating down my face, I looked around and noticed I was on the couch by myself covered with a blanket. I pulled off the blanket and ran a hand through my tangled hair. As I stood up off of the couch, I took a quick glance at the clock to see that it was 3:27 in the morning.

"Stiles?" I called out slowly walking into the kitchen, seeing that he wasn't in there I kept walking and went up stairs. Once I was at the top of the stairs I looked down the hall to where Stiles' room it's too see his for was ajar. I slowly and carefully walked down the hallway and into Stiles' room.

When I walked in he was laying on his bed listening to some music and working on something, I taped his shoulder and he jumped. "Shit you scared me." he said pulling off his head phones. "Yeah well that's what you get for leaving me alone downstairs." I said and sat down next to him.

"Sorry, you were asleep and I know you needed it so I let you be." he said and turned back to what he was work on. "What are you doing?" I asked looking over his shoulder. "It's just something for Malia." he said and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"It's not that important." he said closing the book and turning towards me. "Merry Christmas." I said remembering what time it was. "Merry Christmas." he said and kissed my cheek, remembering that I had an early gift for him I quickly went down stairs and grabbed the gift bag.

"Okay, this is an early gift. It's kind of for me but it's for you if that makes any sense." I said and handed him the bag. He smiled at me and and opened it pulling out a hoodie in my size that said 'I'm with 24.' in big bold letters and numbers. the next thing he pulled out was a hoodie in his size that said 'I'm with the nerd.'

"So do you like them, if not I can just take them back-"

"No, I love them."

"Are you sure? They aren't too coupley or sappy?"

"No they're perfect." he said and kissed me, I was so glad he liked it because it would've been embarrassing if he didn't. "Now, I've got something for you, close your eyes." he said, I closed my eyes and he got something from his night stand. He put it in my hands, it was square and felt like a box.

"Stiles I swear to G if this is a box of condoms I will kill you myself."

"No no no no no! It's not just open your eyes." he said, I opened my eyes and looked down to see a square jewelry box. I looked up at him confused as he knows that I'm not all that into jewelry, but he still encouraged me to open it. I slowly opened the box and gasped at what I saw, "You didn't!" I said liking up at him and then back at the gift.

"Oh but I did."

"How did you even get these? They were sold out."

"Well your amazing boyfriend just so happened to be waiting all night on his computer to buy these." he said and I hugged him. When I opened the box I saw two front row tickets to a Demi Lovato concert in April. "You are the best boyfriend ever Stiles thank you so much, I think I'm gonna cry." I said and giggled.

"It's not a problem, I just think you should be happy for once." he said wrapping his arms around me. "I have one more present for you but you can't get it until tomorrow night. Could you open your gift again tomorrow?"

"Ok, and only if you promise to do the same."



Yay Christmas!

Anyways, what do you think her second gift is?

leave a comment and I'll love you forever!

I love you all my little giraffes! :) <3  xoxo Alyssa (aka Giraffe Queen)

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