Chapter 52

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«Lyssa's POV»

It had been a week since I had gotten out off the hospital and I was finally able to go back to school. I was really happy yet slightly anxious, I don't even know why. I mean I literally see those people every day, but today felt weird. Maybe it was because I hadn't been there in a while, that's probably it.

I quickly got ready throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans, a blue and green flannel Stiles had left here, and a pair of black converse. I grabbed my phone and slowly walked down stairs feeling a slight pain in my hip area but it was nothing major.

As I got into the kitchen I heard Isaac and Scott discussing something quietly until they saw me, then they stopped giving me small smiles. "So are you ready for your first day back?" Scott asked as he put his bowl in the sink.

"Yeah, I'm excited. I feel like I've been gone forever." I said letting out a light chuckle and got myself some orange juice. As I poured myself some juice I felt eyes on me, I looked up and saw Scott and Isaac both starting at me with strange looks. "What?" I asked confused as I put down the jug.

"You can't drink that." Isaac said grabbing the cup from me.

"What do you mean I can't drink it, I love orange juice." I said grabbing the cup back.

"No you're allergic, Alyssa." He said and took the cup away from me again.

"I am?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. How can I be allergic to it, I've been drinking it my whole life.

"Yeah, I think we should go before we're late." He said putting the cup down and grabbed his bag. I grabbed my own as the three of walked out the door. I got into the car as Scott got onto his motorbike, when did he get that? I asked myself and just shrugged my shoulders as Isaac started the car.

When we pulled up to the school I felt even more anxious, what the hell is wrong with me. I don't understand why I'm like this right now, it's just high school. Once Isaac parked I got out slipping the strap to my bag on my shoulder. I walked in with a small smile on my face as I was glad to be back.

I walked over to my locker and started unlocking it as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Good morning Jitter Bug." I heard Stiles whisper in my ear. I turned around in his arms and hugged him.

"You haven't called me that in a long time." I said smiling up at him as I pecked his lips. I turned back around and put some things in my locker.

"I know, did I mention how good you look in my shirt?" He as leaning against the locker next to mine. He had on a pair of black jeans, a white tee with a red and black flannel over it open, and a pair of black vans.

"You didn't, but thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." I said shutting my locker and grabbing his hand. We walked to my english class and Stiles stopped me before I walked in.

"Whoa wait, why are you going into our english class?" He asked looking into the room and then down at me confused.

"Because I have English first period." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, we have English 3rd period. You have math first period." He said looking at me like I'm some kind of alien.

"Are you sure? I could've sworn I had English first period." I said furrowin my eyebrows once again.

"Babe I walk you to class every morning. I'm pretty sure." He said and started leading me to my math class. Alyssa what's wrong with you?! I mentally asked myself really confused. Styles dropped me off at my class with a kiss and I walked into the room sitting in my seat.

About 45 minutes later I walked out of math and left to science. I got lost but eventually got to class on time. I don't get why forgetting all of these things. Maybe I'm just tired? Yeah that's it, I'm probably just tired. Why would I be tired though? I've been resting for a week.

I didn't really pay attention to the teacher the entire class period, before I knew it the bell rang and I was off to English. I was one of the first people in the classroom, I quickly made my way over to my seat and took out a book I had called, Violet and Claire.

I was about to turn the page when I felt the book being ripped from my hands. I looked up and saw Stiles with a goofy grin on his face, I crossed my arms and glared at him. "You're so cute when you try to act mad." He said bopping my nose making me giggle lightly.

"Whatever, why'd you take my book?" I asked grabbing it back and closing it, putting it away.

"Because I have to tell you something." He said playing with my fingers and drawing circles on the back of my hands.

"Tell away." I said sending him a reassuring smile.

" I'm taking you out tomorrow, I'm not gonna tell you where, but dress casually. Okay?"

"Okay." I said and the bell rang as the teacher walked in. Stiles turned around and I actually paid attention.

So what do you think is wrong with Corn (Alyssa)?

Where do you think Stiles is taking her?

How do you guys feel about calling her Corn? (Not in the story, just here)

Finally, would you guys wanna do a character ask? It's where you ask the characters questions, in case you didn't know.

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