Chapter 41

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Stiles and I are on our way to Scott's house, Stiles wouldn't tell me why but I have a feeling it's not good. Once we got to Scott's house he met us outside and tried to explain what he did. We got to his bathroom and he pulled the shower curtain back to see Liam all taped up . "Scott, are you crazy!?" I exclaimed looking at him then back at Liam. He pulled us back into his room and told it's what had happened, "So you bit him?" I asked with a worried face.

Scott nodded his head and we all looked at one another, we got him out of the tub and onto a chair. "We are gonna take the tape off, if you scream it will go back on ok?" Stiles said and Liam nodded his head. He took off the tape but before Scott could explain anything my phone went off. 

From: Kir Kir

You need to come to Lydia's house ASAP!

"Guys I have to go but tell me how this goes tomorrow. Bye." I said and gave Scott a hug then Stiles a kiss. Once I left I walked the two blocks to Lydia's house, as I walked in the dark I thought back to the other night. I got really paranoid and scarred so I quickly ran to Lydia's house, I knocked a couple times until she opened the door.

"Dude calm down." she said moving so I could come in, "Sorry it's just...I was walking alone and it's...dark." I said playing with my fingers. "Oh yeah, sorry." she said giving me a smile small, we went up to her room where Kira was waiting. "Hey." I said giving her a hug, "We have to show you something." she said and pulled me over to Lydia's laptop.

"Lydia gave these math notes to Malia the other day." Kira said as Lydia pulled up a page full of different letters, numbers, and symbols. "They don't look like very good math notes." I said looking closer. "We think it's a code." Lydia said "For what, we don't know." she finished and closed her laptop.

"So what do we do?" I asked sitting on Lydia's bed, "Wait, why don't we give it to Stiles, he'll know what to do." I said. "Stiles is the one who gave these to us." Kira said shaking her Hess at me. "I thought you said that you have these to Malia?" I asked Lydia confused.

"Stiles was with her, helping her study." Lydia said and went back to her laptop with Kira. I bit my lip and shook my head, he lied to me.

The next day I got to school a little late and missed the first half of my first class. I walked in and with a disapproving look from my teacher I took my seat. I looked over at Liam to see he was a little jittery, "Hey, you ok?" I asked him quietly. "Im fine." he said a little harshly, "Well excuse me for just checking." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry...I'm just.."

"I know, and if I were you I would listen to Scott and Stiles...they know what their they're talking about." I said and he just looked down at his desk. I really hope he does since its a full moon tonight, it can be very dangerous. The rest of class was boring and didn't end quick enough. Finally I left and went to English, time to confront Stiles...I hate doing this.

I sat down behind him and took a deep breath, he we go. I tapped on his shoulder and he turned around giving me a smile, "Hello gorgeous." he said and I almost died. We are probably gonna get into a fight and he doesn't even know, he looks so happy. "Hey." I  said giving him a convincing fake smile, I kissed his cheek and sat back in my seat.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you, My cousin is gonna be visiting for awhile. Her name is Kaylee, she can be quite the hand full sometimes but I'll make sure she doesn't bother you or anything. She a nice girl and a real badass if you get on her bad side, so just a warning." he said and chuckled.

"I'm sure she'll be great.l I said and smiled at him. "Also Lyss, I want you to stay inside tonight, it's a full moon and I don't want you to get hurt or anything. We still don't know what the bite did to you." he said looking me in the eyes. "Stiles is been like 4 months, there has been plenty of full moons." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah but I've been with you with them all, I've made sure you were inside at all times and that the windows were closed and covered." he said looking down and then back up at me. "Wait, are you not going to be with me on this one?" I asked clearly confused.

"No, I have to go some where." he said and the bell rang, cutting off our conversation. What's going on?

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