Chapter 40

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                  *Alyssa's POV*

It had been such a long day but I was feeling a lot better after what Stiles had said. Right now I'm on my way to the lacrosse tryouts, I found out that Liam is also trying out for lacrosse so I get to see 3 friends and my boyfriend at tryouts. I walked up onto the stand and sat next to Kira who was sitting next to Malia.

"Hey Lyssa." Kira said and gave me a side hug, "Hey Kir Kir." I said hugging her back. "Oh god that nickname." she said shaking her head playfully, "Funny, I gave you one before your boyfriend did." I said sticking my tongue out at her. She just rolled her eyes and focused on the tryouts, everyone was running now and coach was saying how horrible they were. Stiles was the last one to finish and when he did he looked like he was dying.

"Looks like Stiles isn't a very good runner." I giggled as Scott dragged him away. Kira giggled along but Malia just sat there with a blank look on her face. I know she doesn't like me, but guess who doesn't give two fucks. Stiles was the first one up, but he he really, really missed.

After a few more people it was Liam's turn, he took a deep breath and threw the ball. He got every single ball that he threw into the goal it was crazy. Up after him was Scott, now I thought he was going to be bad ass becase he's a werewolf and stuff but no, he missed, and missed again, and again. What is wrong with these guys!

Coach told Stiles and Scott to get into a different positions, and after a couple of people that got their asses kicked, Liam was up.  Obviously Liam is a great lacrosse player, so I was a little nervous for Scott and Stiles. Just as I feared Liam beat them, in a very skillful way might I add. He can't be this good and be a human, he's probably a werewolf.

All of the sudden Malia stood up and started yelling about a redo, I guess this girl didn't get the memo. Coach told her there were no redos and she bet ten bucks on them both. I started at her, ok so it was more like a glare but I was still in shock. Why the hell would someone bet money like that?

Coach took her offer and they started again, surprisingly this time they took him down. Stiles and Scott high fived while Liam still laid on the ground. I didn't know what they were saying but they started helping a what looked to be injured Liam off of the field. "Morons." I mumbled, I stood up and said goodbye to Kira then walked off to follow the three guys.

By the time I got to the nurses office, Scott and Stiles were waiting in the three chairs outside of the office. "Hey." I said walking up too them sitting next to Stiles, they both answered back with a shirt hi. "You guys did great out there, well up until now." I said signaling to the nurses office.

The nurse cane out and told us that Liam needed to go to the hospital, so I went into the nurses office with Stiles. "Hey Liam." I said giving him a little wave and a sad smile, "Hey what are you doing here?" he asked smiling and sat up. "Wait, you two know each other?" Stiles asked pointing between it's.

"Yeah, he's in my math class. Today was his first day so I let him sir by me." I explained. "Let me? You had no choice in the matter." Liam said and I playfully punched him in the shoulder. I could tell by the look on Stiles face that he didn't like that we were being so buddy buddy.

"So you're friends with him?" Liam asked pointing at Stiles, "Yeah, we-"

"We're dating." Stiles said cutting me off and wrapping his arm around my waist with a strong ass grip. "Cool." Liam said and I rolled my eyes, "Stiles, could I talk to you for a minute?" I asked and then pulled him out of the room.

"What was that?" I asked crossing my arms and staring him down. "I don't know what you're talking about." he said shrugging his shoulders. "Yes you do Stiles! Do not play dumb with me." I exclaimed shaking my head at him. "Do you find him attractive?" he asked staring at me.


"Do you find him attractive?"

"Stiles I'm not-"

"Do you?"

"Yes I do, but I find you much more attractive ok. I'm a teenage girl Stiles, can you really blame me. I'm pretty sure that if you saw an attractive girl walk by you would check her out." I said and he just crossed his arms looking away. "Is someone jealous?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Of him? Never." he said in an 'as if' tone, it was adorable. "You know you're really cute when you're jealous." I said and gave him a kiss, he's such a dork.

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