Chapter 10

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"Story of my life!!" I got confused singing along to as we pulled into Stiles drive way. "Lyss I'll pick you up at 9:00pm, ok?" Isaac said/asked as I helped Stiles out of the car, "Ok, I'll see you tonight. love you!" I said back and started up the porch stairs with Stiles. Isaac drove off and I helped Stiles lay down on the couch, "If you need annoying just ask, you might have to tell me where our it's though." I said and sat down on the floor in front of the couch.

"No, you're fine right where you are. If I need something I'll get it." he said smiling at me, but I just shook my head. "Stiles, you can barely get up without help, I'll get it for you." I said getting up, "Now what do you need?"

"Some water if you don't mind."

"Where are-"

"In the fridge."

"Makes sense."

I walked into the kitchen and opened up the fridge, water water water...found it! I grabbed a bottle and walked back into the living. "Ok Stiles I- Stiles?" I began to say but noticed he wasn't on the couch anymore. "Up here!" I heard him yell from his room, He's gonna be a hand full.

____________7 hours later____________

"Stiles you have to get some rest!" I said after 10 minutes of trying to make him go to sleep. "I told you I'm not tired." he said trying to sit back up, I put my hands on his shoulder and pushed him down again. "Well that sucks now doesn't it, you. need. to. sleep." I said and he gave me his puppy dog eyes. "That isn't going to work Stiles.....I'm serious Stiles stop...I mean it...stop." I said and he finally gave in.

"I'll only go to sleep if you lay down with me." he said smirking and lifted up the blanket for me to lay down with him. "....Fine." I said after a while of thinking about it, I slipped off my shoes and climbed into the bed. "Now you need to sleep." I said and he put his hands on my waist and I giggled quietly.

"What was that?" he asked moving his hands a little which made me giggle again. He finally got the idea and started to tickle me, "Stiles stop.

t-this isn't funny!" I giggled and he tickled me even more. "If it isn't funny then why are you laughing?" he said chuckling and stopped. "Thank you, now go to sleep." I said and turned on my side not facing him.

He sighed and layed back down, "Can I ask you a question?" he asked and I rolled over to look at him. "Yes?" I asked and he smiled at me, "There's this girl (fuck life) and I need your advice." he said and I 'smiled' at him. "Sure, what about?"

"Well, she's younger than me and I don't really care but I think she might. Scott doesn't like her, says she's hiding something. I don't think she would like me back because she probably thinks I'm a player or a 'bad boy'. What do you think I should do?" he said/asked. "Well, just flat out tell her how you feel, I mean who could say no, right?" I said giggling a little.

"She can." he said and smiled, Well there goes my chance with him. "Ok, What time is it?" I asked remembering that Isaac is gonna pick me up at 9:00pm. "'s 8:47. Why?"

"Isaac is gonna pick me up very soon, so I have to go now." I said grabbing my shoes, sliding them on, and got up. "Wait, I'll walk you down." he said sitting up. I walked over and pushed him back down slowly, "No, you are going to stay right here and sleep. You really need the rest." I said and he frowned folding his arms like a child. "Says the one who didn't get any sleep last night." he said and smirked, "How about you lay down and I'll wake you up when your brother gets here?" he asked patting his hand on an empty spot on the bed.

I thought about it for a minute, I am really tired, and I've been chasing his ass around all day. I deserve a break, from him. Who would it hurt? No one. I looked at him and smiled, "Fine, but you have to wake me up when he gets here." I said and took off my shoes, then laid down. Finally, some sleep.

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