Chapter 39

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After a while I pulled back from the kiss still in shock, "You l-love me?" I asked blushing like crazy. "Yeah, I think I do." he said taking my hands in his. " I think I love you too." I said looking down at our hands then back up at him. He leaned in to kiss me again when the warning bell rang, I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag.

"I guess I'll see you later, bye." I said slowly walking back towards the door, "Bye." he said and I slipped out the door. As I walked to Chemistry I couldn't keep the cheesy grin off of my face, he loves me.

                   *Stiles POV*

I left the classroom and quickly made my way to my Algebra II class, when I walked in I sat behind Malia. "Hey, where were you?" she asked looking back at me, "I was with Alyssa." I said smiling when I said her name. " I don't understand why you're with her." Malia said crossing her arms,"And why don't you?" I asked leaning forward.

"Well she's younger, so she isn't as mature as you are, in all ways." she said and then turned back around. The teacher called on her, she looked back at me and growled but I just gave her a thumbs up. So what if Alyssa is younger than me, she is very mature for here age. Malia doesn't know what she's talking about.

The rest of the class just flew by, before I knew it I was walking out the door. "Stiles wait up!" I heard Malia call out, I stopped and waited for her. "Yes?" I asked as we walked to Science, "Wanna hang out tonight, you could help me study for that math test?" she asked smiling at me.

"Maybe another night, I have plans with Alyssa tonight." I lied shrugging my shoulders. "Oh ok, so I'll see you at try outs then." she said and left to go to her classroom. I walked into science and sat down next to Scott, "I need to tell you something." I said putting my bag on the desk.

"What's up?" he asked looking over at me and away from his textbook. "So after second period I took Lyssa into an empty classroom and told her that I love her." I said and then took a deep breath. "Really?" Scott asked with a surprised smile, "Yeah you think it was too soon?" I asked with a worried expression.

"You two have know each other for 6 months now, and even though you just started dating nothing has changed. It's like you were already dating before, but now it's just official. Well At least that's the way I see it." he said looking back at his textbook. "Really?" I asked thinking back to when I first met her to now.

"Yeah, but wait did she say it back?" he asked averting his attention to me again. "Yeah, she said it back." I said and smiled my ass off, "Then stop worrying, the feeling is obviously mutual." he said and looked back at his book. Yeah, maybe I'm just over thinking it. "You ready for tryouts?" I asked him taking my textbook out, "Yeah, but I'm just a little nervous."


"Because Kira it's gonna be there and that new kid Liam is really good. I just don't want him to steal my spot as capitan." Scott explained and bit his lip. "Scott you're the best player on this team, you're an alpha for crying out loud. Nobody is going to take your spot. Not even that little snotty brat Liam." I said glaring at nothing.

You can say that I'm not the biggest fan of Liam, he thinks he can just come in here and not miss one single shot. He just makes the rest of us look bad, including me since I can't play for shit. "Mr.Stilinski I see that you're off in your own little world again, it would be nice if you could pay attention for at least one lesson." my teacher said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Sorry." I mumbled and he went on with the lesson.

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