Not Nice

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~ Chapter One ~
(Ariana in media)
IG & Twitter @ arianaraw

"Ariana!! Get up!" I heard from the hallway. It was my dad yelling for me to get ready for school. I did not want to go. My workout last night had me sore as hell this morning.

I sighed and rolled out of bed. I turned on my oldies and got into the shower. My shower is right inside my room. I just have to open a door. It's like another bathroom but it's a shower and the wall is clear.

I washed up and made sure to wash my curls before I got out and air dried. I had an hour before I even had to leave the house. My homework wasn't done, my outfit wasn't chosen. Damn.

I grabbed a pair of jeans, a loose tee and black vans. I put them on along with my watch and a shark tooth necklace. I was not in the mood for school. I sat on my bed and got on my phone.

I had a new follower on Instagram. I didn't know what to think. She had spammed me with heart eyes and liked all my pictures. When I went to her page, man was I surprised. She had "proud stud for stud" in her bio. I followed her back and liked her pictures. She was pretty I guess. Didn't show much of her face.

I turned my music off and went downstairs for breakfast. I walked into the kitchen to see my favorite smoothie and a full plate of food waiting for me. I sat down and began eating my food.

My little brother walked in and sat next to me with crust still on his eyes.

"Wipe your eyes baby boy." I said. He did as I said and looked at the plate in front of him. He's only 3 so I had to watch him eat. My older brother came in and sat across from us.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked.

"You forget I'm still in school or something?" I asked.

"Last year you skipped all of your last week. Dad not letting you do that this year?"

"Nah. He said it's my last year of high school so I need to cherish it before I have to miss it." I said. We both started laughing and ate our breakfast.

"Aight I'll see y'all later." I said standing up. I gave some dap to my older brother, Tavaris, and gave Michael a hug. Then I went out to my car and sat inside for a minute. I was tired as fuck bruh. I just turned on Gucci and drove to pick up my friend Jade.

Jade is only a Junior right now while I'm a senior

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Jade is only a Junior right now while I'm a senior. Which sucks because I'm going to college by myself. Or so she thinks. But she's girly as hell with the mentality of a fuck girl. She's crazy and goofy and thats probably why I love her so much.

I pulled up in front of her house and waited for her to come outside. While waiting, my phone vibrated with a dm. From that girl.

shefwj- Hey. We go to the same school. Don't know if you ever seen me or not.

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