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~ Chapter Twenty Six ~

3 Months Later

I hopped outta bed and started to get ready. Work is boring nowadays, Shay has been acting weird and no one really fucks with me. So I just keep to myself. I have plenty life to live.

I put on a suit because today we had a promotional party. I had straightened my hair because it grew a lot and I put on all my accessories. Today, I had to meet a lot of people and had a lot of meetings. So I wanted to look my best.

I made sure my shoes shined and fixed my earrings before I headed downstairs. I was so tired of being in this big ass house by myself. I mean Jasmine was here sometimes but that was only when I wanted her to be.

I skipped breakfast and walked outside to my car. Shay was getting in her car and she didn't even wave at me or anything. I just drove off to work and did the usual. The party wasn't until 12 and it was 8. So I went to my office and sat down. I had nothing else to do.

My phone started ringing and it wasn't a number I knew but I answered anyways.

"Hello." I answered.

"Ariana?" The familiar voice said.

"Jakari?.." I asked.

"Yeah it's me.. I got a new number. I miss you." She stated.

"I miss you too Kari. But why are you calling?" I asked.

"You know Winter Break is coming up. I wanted to come down there and see you." She said.

"Your mom will let you?"

"Yeah she will. I already asked." I sat back and thought for a minute. "Still there?"

"I'm here. I don't have a problem with you coming down here. I want to talk to you in person." I said.

"Then it's settled. I'll be there December 20th." That gave me a week to mentally prepare myself.

"Sounds good. Later Kari." She hung up and I rubbed my forehead. This is crazy. I still love Kari of course but I don't want to start a relationship and then have her go back home until June. Plus I want her to go to college. Not depend on me forever. Then there's Jasmine who just loves to be on her knees for me. Then Shay.. Man Shay. I don't know what's been up with her but I like Shay. I decided I would text her.

Me: Hey uh did something happen that made you not wanna talk to me anymore?

Shay: I'll tell you later.

I was curious now. I would be thinking about that all day. Jasmine walked in and sat a pastry box on my desk. It was from the bakery down the street.

"You're too good to me

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"You're too good to me." I said smiling. She came around to my side of the desk and sat on top of it.

"Well you have a lot going on today. I'm doing all I can to keep your stress level low." She said with a wink.

"Girl don't get nothing started in my office. Anyone could walk in." I said. She laughed and got under my desk.

"Your desk isn't clear. No one will know if you know how to keep it quiet." She said running her hand up my leg.

"You are really something else." I said. She laughed and got my pants down to my ankles. I sat back and let her do the damn thing.

* * * *

I was at my promotional party, now stress free and doing my thing. Selling products, meeting people in way bigger places than me, making deals, receiving checks, and more. I was moving up there.

The party lasted a few hours and then I had to go to a meeting with my parents. They were in my office talking when I got there. I gave them both hugs then sat down.

"So how was the promoting?" My mom asked.

"It was great. These are the people that want to collaborate with us." I said sliding a list of names and numbers across my desk. They looked at them together and nodded in agreement at something.

"Good job Ariana. We made the right decision putting you here. Are you getting along with everyone? Assistant doing good?" My dad asked.

"Oh everyone is fine. My assistant is perfect." I said.

"Good good. We'll let you get home though. Call if you need anything Ari." I hugged them both and they left. I got all my shit and took my ass home. Shay wasn't home yet so I went inside my house to cook some dinner. I was starving. First I changed out of my suit into some joggers and a tee.

I decided to cook some grilled chicken, a couple baked potatoes and corn. I lit a blunt while I cooked my food and like 10 minutes later, there was a knock at my door.

I went to open it and it was Shay. She awkwardly smiled as I let her come in. We went to the kitchen and she sat down while I continued making my dinner.

"Why the distance?" I asked putting my blunt down.

"This is kinda hard for me to say but over these what 3 months we've known each other, I'm catching feelings. It's not something I even meant to do. Ya know I didn't want a relationship yet. But I couldn't help but to get jealous when that girl always came home with you. Something is obviously going on with her so I tried to keep my distance. Then I got petty and just didn't want to talk to you at all." She explained looking from me to the counter.

"That girl is my assistant at work. Yes we've done things but I wouldn't say I like her. I like you actually. I didn't want to move too fast. I have a problem with doing that." I said as I took the chicken off the stove. I put lemon juice on them and then I finished with the potatoes and corn.

"So you'd be willing to stop what you're doing with her if we were to start talking?" She asked.

"Of course." I pushed Kari out of my mind and looked at Shay. She is so damn fine. I could stare at her all day.

"Geez don't stare at me like that." She said looking away and blushing. I laughed and got two plates from the cabinet.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah very." She said. I made us both a plate and we sat down. Having a good conversation and a good dinner. I hoped Jakari coming here wouldn't ruin what Shay and I have going. That would just hurt me in the long run. Having to live next to Shay. I won't let anything happen.

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