Day and Night

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~ Chapter Seventeen ~

I was under water. I couldn't move. No I was moving but I was losing consciousness. Someone was holding me under and I was struggling to keep my life. But it was slipping away so fast. How could I hold on if I was being ripped away from it? I was about to die.. But then I shot up out of the water, panting and clutching my chest. I had just woken up from a nightmare once again.

I opened the warm bottle of water on my nightstand and took a few drinks. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and laid back down. I hate having nightmares. It was 4am and I happened to be wide awake because someone tries to drown me every time I go to sleep.

I got on my phone and seen a few texts from Jakari. I had deleted her contact but our previous messages were still in my phone.

Jakari: I hope you don't think that was apart of the bet. The bet wasn't even over yet because Capri hasn't finished.

Jakari: I didn't mean to make you cry 😭 Honestly I'm IN LOVE with YOU!! I wish I could take back the shit we did to you.

Jakari: Please babygirl just text me back. Forgive me 😩

Jakari: I'm so fucking sorry. I swear. I feel like shit. Seeing you break down like that broke my heart Ari. Text me back please.

I didn't even know what to say. I didn't even trust that what she said was true. I was about to text her back but someone called me. At 4am..

"Hello." I answered even though I didn't really have a voice to begin with.

"Ariana? Ariana honey this is Jakari's mom. I know you're probably tired of hearing it but she is sorry. God damn it she's keeping me up with all this Ariana talk and crying. Woke me up out of my beauty sleep to tell you that she's sorry. Honey could you just come and talk to her one more time? I would really appreciate it." I was so surprised. So she was telling the truth.

"Um o-okay I'll come over. When?" I asked.

"Oh right now!" She insisted.

"Alright I'm on my way." I said. She hung up and I got up to look in the mirror. I had puffy and red eyes from crying so much, my shirt was still wet and I just looked a mess.

I changed into some sweats and a hoodie, put my hair into a messy bun and put on my slides. I grabbed my keys and left the house, driving all the way to Jakari's. I turned my car off and went up to the front door. It was swung open as soon as my fist hit it to knock. Her mom looked pissed. She pulled me in and took me to Jakari's room. All I heard was Jakari crying. She pushed me inside and shut the door.

"Go away mom." Kari said. Her face was buried in her pillows and she was laying on her stomach so she didn't even know I was here.

"It's me." I said. Her crying stopped and she sat up, looking at me surprised I guess.

"W-what are you doing here so late?" She asked wiping her tears.

"Your mom asked me to come over so we could talk." I said. She got up and hugged me before I had a chance to stop her. I can't even lie, I needed the hug as much as she did.

"I'm sorry. I honestly am. Did you read my messages?" She asked.

"I read them. I didn't believe them at first until your mom called." I admitted as she pulled away.

"They're true. You aren't a hoe. We did all we could to get you to fuck with all of us. In the midst of it all, I felt myself falling for you and I couldn't stop it from happening. I love you. I don't ever want to see you cry like that again. On my father's grave, I am in love with you." She said. I wiped the one tear falling down her cheek and felt my heart start racing.

"We can't be what you want us to be Kari. I'm leaving in a couple months and you have to stay here. If you were older, maybe we would work out but you're not and your mom won't let you go with me. I'm sorry. But we can't be more than friends." I said boldly knowing my heart was involved but this was the best thing to do. Knowing there wasn't a chance we could be together after I leave.

"I can not be just friends with you." She said starting to cry again.

"Then I don't think we can be anything." I said avoiding eye contact. I went towards her door to leave and she grabbed my waist to stop me. "Kari. I really need to leave. This is for the best."

She let go and let me leave. I felt horrible but there was really nothing I could do. I went back home and decided to drown myself in romance movies and weed.


I got out of bed high as fuck and tired as fuck. I needed some food and I needed to see Kaden. I picked my phone up and called her.

"Hi Daddy." She answered making me smile.

"Oh I got it like that now?" I asked.

"Aha well you knoww you kinda had me screaming and shit the other day. You earned it." She said.

"You think your dad will let you go out again? I wanna see you." I said.

"I'm sure he will. Just come over and talk to him about donut burgers and football." She said with a laugh.

"Alright will do. I'll be over in a little bit." I said.

"Okay." I hung up and put on some cargo shorts, a pink polo button up, and a pink polo baseball cap. I put a few eye drops in my eyes to make them clear up. Her dad definitely would know I was fried if I showed up with bloodshot ass eyes. I drove to this new joint and bought a donut burger. I highkey wanted to tear that shit up but I practiced self control and saved if for Kaden's dad.

I knocked on the door and he was the one to open it.

"Hello Ariana. How are you?" He asked.

"Hii Mr.Joseph. I'm great. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Just fine. What ya got there?" He asked.

"Oh this?" I asked holding up the bag holding the burger. "A donut burger. Ever had one?"

"I love donut burgers! When did they open a place here?" His face instantly lit up.

"Oh just a few days ago. I already ate one and Kaden said she doesn't want it so you can have it if you want it." I said holding the bag out to him.

"Wow thanks. Come on in, Kaden is in her room." He took off for the kitchen and I took off for Kaden's room. I got in as quietly as possible. She had her headphones on, sitting at her desk with her head down. I shut the door knowing her dad wouldn't notice for awhile.

I tip toed towards her and went in for the attack. I put my arms around her and bit her soft spot on her neck. She took her headphones off and turned around so quick.

"Oh shit you scared the hell outta me." She said shaking her head. I laughed and gave her a kiss.

"Did you miss me?" I asked.

"Yes I missed you. You shouldn't have closed my door babe he's gonna think something is up." She said.

"Something is up." I said. I grabbed her hair and held her head to the side as I sucked on the same spot I bit before. She let out a moan and slapped her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my god Ari! Stop!" She scream whispered at me and I just laughed. She was so paranoid.

"Calm down. Joseph is occupied. Let Daddy have a little fun." I said with a pout. She bit her lip at me and pretended to faint.

"Take me now." She said dramatically.

"Don't even play." I said with a chuckle. "You'll be up here screaming daddy and he's gonna think you need something."

"Not my fault." She said frowning. I smiled and kissed her lips.

"Let's get outta here."

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