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~ Chapter Seven ~

Jakari had stayed the night with me. Assuming as she fell asleep after what went down. She was cuddled up on me while I laid on my phone. It was 8am and it was crazy that she even slept for this long.

I got a text from Capri bright and early. Had me feeling kinda bad.

Pri 😍- Goodmorning beautiful. Let me know when you wake up. I wanna take you out for a few dates. 😌

I put my phone on my nightstand and let out a sigh. Fuck. I sat up and looked at Jakari. Her naked body was gorgeous to me. I laid back down and she woke up.

"I fell asleep? What time is it?" She asked.

"8:07 in the mornin." I said.

"Oh my god. Did last night really happen?" She asked biting her lip.

"Well you laying in my bed, butt ass naked, next to me. What you think?" I asked with a laugh. She scooted closer to me and went to whisper in my ear.

"Looks like I need to return the favor." She said. Her hand started traveling and her lips touched my neck. Then she was under the blanket getting my shorts off. I gasped when she started going in. I had to grip the sheets. She was doing better than I expected. Now I don't usually be loud and shit when I get head but I couldn't help myself.

"Kari fuckk!" I moaned out. My phone started to ring and it just happened to be Jade. I answered because I'm petty like that. "Hello."

"Ariana I really wanna make things right with you." She said. "I miss being with you."

Jakari picked the speed up and I let out some loud ass moans.

"I uh c-can't talk right now. Fucckkk!" I had to put the phone down and grab a pillow real quick.

Jade's POV

"Fucckkk!" Ariana moaned into my ear loud as fuck. It had me pissed off. She's fucking with someone else already.

"Ariana! Fucking bitch." I said. I still listened because I wanted to figure out who it was pleasing my Ariana. Plus Ariana always sounds sexy as hell and it was turning me on.

Once I heard her reach her climax, I tried to listen in and hear the other person but all I heard was kissing and a beep beep beep. Indicated the end of a call. I called up TK, Tiara's friend.

"Wassup Jade." She answered.

"I just wanted to let you know that Ariana is having sex with somebody right now." I'm petty too bitch.

"Don't lie Jade." She said sounding mad.

"I'm not lying! Go to her house right now and see." I said.

"I'ma hurt yo ass if you lying." She hung up and I laughed. Ariana and that other bitch are about to be in a world of hurt.

Ariana's POV

"I have to get home to get ready for work. But I'll call you later tonight." Jakari said as she got dressed. I smiled and gave her one last kiss.

"Alright. Talk to you later." I said. She left and I changed my sheets, got dressed, and put my hair up since it looked a mess. All of a sudden, the girl busted in my room. Still didn't know her fucking name.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled looking at her. She looked around and started to look in the closet and anywhere she could.

"You was fucking somebody?" She asked holding a gun to my throat.

"No! No I swear I wasn't." I said as my body shook.

"You ain't lying?" She asked.

"Noo please I'm really not lying." I said. The gun being pressed against my skin finally got to me and I started to cry. She put her gun away and tried to hug me. I pushed her away and backed up.

"I'm sorry babygirl. I done told you not to fuck with nobody." She said.

"And I'm not!"

"Well Jade called me and said you were so I had to come over here. I ain't mean to scare you." Really nigga..

I shook my head and wiped my eyes.

"Yeah right. You held me at gunpoint and all I was doing was putting my hair up." I said.

"I have anger issues. But I really like you." She said looking genuinely sorry. I let out a long breath and sat down. If she had got here 10 minutes earlier..

"I'm sorry but I just can't believe that. I feel like you're only here to hurt and scare me and make me afraid of doing what I want. I don't even know your name!" I exclaimed. She sat next to me and I really noticed how small I was compared to her.

"Well that's not the case. I want to be with you. My name is TK. I'm Tiara's sister. I play the piano. I can cook. I have 14 tattoos. I'm a touch me not. I'm mixed. My parents are dead. I'm into sports. I'm 19 years old. I don't particularly like studs but you're an exception." She spilled as much about herself as she could. I did calm down a little. She put her gun on my dresser and sat back down.

"So you really like me? What about me?" I asked.

"You're gorgeous to me. But you're intelligent and caring and you stay on your shit. You go with the flow and you're the first person I've ever liked this much. I swear on that." She said.

"I guess you're a sweetheart under your hard ass exterior." I said causing her to smile.

"Soo you believe me?"

"Well yeah but I'm still scared of you." I admitted.

"Don't be. I seen that girl leave this morning. Decided to just scare you for that. I also seen the other girl leave last night. You've been busy.." She said looking at the floor.

"Actually all I did was watch movies with the first girl. I admit that this morning, things did go down. I have needs and it was in the moment and it happened." I explained leaving out the part about last night..

"Yeah I understand. I'm not as mean as you think I am. Sometimes my anger gets the best of me but deep down I just don't like knowing that these girls get to have you and you're scared of me to a point that you have dates at your house so I don't find out. You don't have to do that Ariana. You can be with whoever. I won't stop you." She said standing up and heading towards my door.

"TK. I accept your apology.." I said.

To Be Continued.

Who would be best with Ariana? TK, Jakari, or Capri?

Is Ariana wrong for accepting TK's apologies?

Do you think TK can actually change for Ariana and let her live?

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