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~ Chapter Nine ~

TK and I were in Chipotle, just eating our food, when Jade walked in with some of her friends. She didn't see me fortunately.

"Why you looking like that?" TK asked. I pointed at Jade and she made the same face.

"She gon ruin the party." She said rolling her eyes. Oh I know.

I just continued to eat my food in peace then I heard Jade's friends point me out and start asking questions. She walked over to me and TK and sat down along with one of her friends, Mariama.

"What do y'all want?" I asked.

"Sooo y'all fucking now?" Jade asked. I looked at her like really nigga..

"Jade shut the fuck up. Don't come over here being a bitch. Remember you the one that fucked up." I said.

"Don't talk to Jade l-"

"You shut the fuck up too!" I yelled cutting Mariama off. People looked at us weirdly but did I care? Nope.

"Ari where has this temper come from?" Jade asked.

"It's Ariana to you hoe. Did you come over here just to get embarrassed or what? I'm confused." I said.

"Ugh.. Ariana I still need to get back at you for that phone call we had since obviously TK didn't do shit." She said mugging TK.

"How you gon get back at me? It wasn't even my fault. Yo dumb ass called me and it just happened to be while I was in the middle of something. Shit." I said putting the cover back on my food.

"You can't just do shit like that." She replied. I grabbed her face and went to talk in her ear.

"I do whatever the fuck I wanna do. If I wanna moan loud as hell I can. I don't care if you hear it or not. I'm sorry Tiara can't do what I can do to please you but you need to be mad at her for that. Not me. I know you miss daddy but daddy don't miss you. But guess what, I've been daddy for what? 3 years? Shit won't change. You lost me. Whose fault is that?" I said low enough so that only she could hear.

She looked at me with an unreadable look and ran out of Chipotle.

"What the hell did you say to her?!" Mariama asked looking mad.

"Bitch don't ask me shit. Go ask yo friend." I said. She rolled her eyes and went to go find Jade. TK looked at me confused. I just shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my drink.

Flashback. 3 years ago.

"Yo Jade can you bring me the chips?" I asked being too lazy to get up. I was too sore and too tired to move. Jade just looked at me and back at the TV.

"Man okay. I'm going to my room." I said standing up tiredly. I dragged myself to my room and laid in bed making sure to turn to my favorite channel. Jade came in and laid next to me.

"Um hello we were just watching a scary movie. Can't just leave me downstairs." Jade said.

"Whatever. You staying the night?" I asked. She nodded and grabbed her bag off the floor.

"Can I take a shower?" She asked.

"Sure. It's right there." I said pointing to my shower.

"The walls are clear. What the hell? I can't shower in there with you right here just able to watch me and shit." She said looking at me crazy.

"Who said I wanted to watch you?" I asked.

"Uh okay whatever. Just keep in mind that I am straight as the fuck." She said standing up.

"Yeah right." I said under my breath. She went into my closet with a towel and came back out with the towel on. She watched my eyes as she walked to the shower causing me to laugh.

"I do not trust you Ariana." She said. I got up and opened the shower door for her.

"You wanna go to bed dirty?" I asked. She sighed and stepped inside. I shut the door and laid back down. I peeked in the glass every now and then but looked away just as quick. I went into the closet and started taking my clothes off to change into pajamas. I was just about naked except for my boxers when Jade walked in..

"Ariana! Why are you naked?!" She yelled covering her eyes. I laughed and shook my head.

"Why does it matter if you're so straight?" I asked. She let out a grunt and uncovered her eyes. She stood there waiting for me to leave. But her eyes were just wandering.

"Does it really take you this long to find pajamas?" She asked crossing her arms. I nodded my head and kept looking.

I grabbed a random T-shirt and laughed as I walked out. I'm always on games with her. Nothing ever happens though so it doesn't matter.

I put the shirt on and laid back in bed. The door opened so I figured Jade was already clothed. I looked at her and stared with wide eyes as she walked towards me butt ass naked. I bit my lip and turned my head.

"I don't know what the hell just got into you but you're naked right now Jade." I said covering my eyes.

"Yeah. You aren't the only one who can be naked." She said. I stood up a little irritated that she got smart with me. "What? Is your strap hard?" She asked busting out into laughter. I put her against the wall and moved closer.

"I don't think you wanna find out." I said. She stopped laughing and looked in my eyes realizing I was serious.

"Ariana.." I looked her up and down and began playing with her nipples. She bit her lip and her cheeks turned bright red. I smirked as I moved in to suck on her neck. Leaving hickies and hearing moans. I let my hand travel down to her honey pot and ran my hand across it. My hand was immediately soaked.

"Feels like you've been wanting this." I said as she moaned. I slowly rubbed her clit and sucked on her nipples one by one. Shit was so fucking sexy. I may have been sore but I still picked her up, put her on my shoulders, and ate the fuck outta her.

That's when she started to call me daddy. That's when she got attached. She came all over my tongue and I laid her on my bed.

"I got something for yo smart ass." I said walking in the closet. I put the strap on. She was about to learn. That's when she 'turned gay'.

* * *

I got home and just got in bed. Today has been just so wonderful. Old shit coming up. I never meant to get Jade so attached to me but if she wants to call me daddy and be there for me, what can I do? We spent almost 3 years doing this. Telling everybody we were best friends and fucking on the low. Nobody knew anything and I plan on keeping it that way.

I looked at the time and rolled my eyes. Only 1pm. I decided to just take a nap until it was time to go get Jakari.

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