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~ Chapter Twenty Five ~

I was ready for work and feeling myself entirely too much. I was in all black today with a red bow tie, my curls were poppin and so were my lips. I take pride in my face. I put in my diamond earrings, a gold watch, and a gold chain.

I went downstairs and grabbed another smoothie from the fridge. This time I had to pour in orange juice and shake it up. Then I was out the door. I waved to Shay who again had butterfingers. She dropped her keys when she seen me.

"Goodmorning butterfingers!" I yelled as I got in my car and drove off to work. I went inside and seen donuts in the break room. I didn't get one because I'm trying to stay in shape.

I drank my smoothie and went to my office. No one was at their desk because they were getting donuts so Jasmine wasn't at hers. I shut the door to my office and sat down. I laughed at Shay's texts before getting into work mode.

Shay: Don't call me butterfingers little girl 😂

Shay: You just be catching me off guard 

Me: How?

Shay: Don't ask me no questions

I laughed and put my phone on my desk. She's a trip. I got on my laptop to check emails when Jasmine walked in the office.

"Oh I didn't know you were here. Sorry." She was about to walk back out but I told her to stay. She came in and sat down. Today she was wearing a skin tight black dress with red heels and her hair was straight. She matched me.

"Dressing up for someone?" I asked. She looked down and nodded.

"Yeah maybe. They won't notice though so this is really just for me." She said crossing her legs.

"You look nice, I don't see why they wouldn't notice you. But here's what I was thinking we could do for the project." I got into explaining everything to her and then I had to run errands. All around the building and I had to go to all 23 stores to pick up the inventory lists because my email wasn't working. It took all fucking day.

By 5pm I was exhausted. I got back to the office and seen Jasmine standing outside waiting. She got in the passenger seat of my car and looked around with wide eyes.

"This is so nice." She said.

"Thank you. How was the office while I was gone?"

"Boring." She stated rolling her eyes. I laughed and drove home. Shay was already home so Jasmine and I just went inside my house. I hooked my phone up to the speaker and played some Gucci Mane, not real loud though. I took off my tie, unbuttoned my shirt a couple times and kicked my shoes off.

"Feel free to take them heels off. I know you gotta be hurting." I said. She laughed and took off her heels.

I took my laptop out and opened up the project.

"Aight so for now we're just gonna make a powerpoint and a word doc about what we're gonna do for the commercials and such." I explained pulling up all the resources.

We got into a conversation about what to do and how to do it and put it all into presentation form with graphs and info and all that good stuff.

We were done by 8 so I decided to make us some dinner.

"What are you in the mood to eat? I'll cook." I said standing up.

"No sit your tired ass down." She stood up and pushed me back onto the couch. "I'll cook for you."

I smiled as I watched her walk around the couch and to the kitchen. I put my feet up and closed my eyes. I was so damn exhausted. I just wanted to eat and take a hot ass bath.

She came back 20 minutes later and sat a full plate on my lap. She outdid herself.

"Jasmine you didn't have to go all out like this." I said as my mouth watered.

"I felt like it. Eat up." She said. I cleaned that plate happily and sat back feeling like I was on cloud 9. Haven't had such a good home cooked meal in a long ass time. She took my plate back to the kitchen and came back a minute later.

"So you live in this house all alone? No girlfriend or anything?" She asked.

"I'm all alone." I said putting my hands behind my head.

"Don't you get lonely? Needy?"

"Oh all the time. I deal with it though." I said.

"Ya know, I think you're extremely attractive. Like you are blessed. I was hoping you would let me help you..relax. You seem pretty tense after today." She explained messing with my tie. I smirked and licked my lips.

"Shitt I'll let you do what you wanna do." I said. I was in need of some sexual attention.

"Are you sure?" She asked biting her lip.

"Sure as I'll ever be." I said. She got up and went to dim my lights, changed my music from 21 to Marsha Ambrosious and got on the floor. She looked hungry. Just saying.

She unbuttoned my shirt all the way and started kissing on my chest. She went down and sucked on my waistline which was a major turn on for some reason and I got soaked from that. She pulled my pants off and opened my legs wider. She got my boxers off and looked even more excited when she seen how wet I was.

She put my legs on her shoulders and went in. Tongue was doing all type of shit. I really was on cloud 9 now. I was moaning and arching my back like shit I was definitely in need of this. I grabbed her hair and watched as she worked her tongue on my clit. Then someone knocked on my door. Awe shit. If that's Shay..

The head was too good to just tell her to stop so I waited until I was finished. Then I told her to stop. I got up to go open the door but no one was there now. Well shit. I hope it wasn't Shay.

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