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~ Chapter Twenty Four ~

I woke up at 7am to get ready for work and man I forgot how much I hated getting up this early. I had to dress professional so I took a shower and dressed in a baby blue button up, black slacks, black dress shoes with diamonds around the sole and a black tie. I left my hair down and put on my jewelry.

I sprayed on some cologne and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I just grabbed a bottled smoothie and walked out of the house. I looked grown as fuck. I noticed Shay walking out to her car and she dropped her keys when she looked at me.

I laughed and got in my car, waving at her before I drove off to work. I finished my smoothie by the time I got to work. I went to the 10th floor where my office was and greeted everyone on the way to my office. I got there and smiled at Jasmine who was sitting at her desk in front of my office.

"Goodmorning Jasmine." I said as I unlocked my office door. She looked up at me and didn't say anything as she looked me up from my shoes to my eyes. She licked her lips and I said goodmorning again.

"Oh shi- Shoot my bad. Goodmorning Boss." She said propping her chin on her fist.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" I asked with a laugh.

"Oh uh y-yeah I think." I went into my office and sat down. I had a note on my desk from distribution and HR. I called them and sorted out the problem they had. This job would be a breeze. I sat back and checked my email. I had a few emails from store managers so I replied to them and it took all morning to sort out their issues.

Damn. The last woman my dad had working here didn't do bullshit. This easy ass job and she didn't even handle these problems. When you have to run 23 stores, you need to step your game up.

I smirked as I thought about how Jasmine was looking at me. Like I was a snack and shit. I pressed the button to beep her in here and she came in a minute later.

"Have a seat Jasmine." I said. She walked in and sat down.

"Yes Boss?" She asked avoiding eye contact.

"Are you alright? You seem out of it." I said.

"I'm fine. You just look different than you did before." She said.

"I do?" I was confused now.

"I mean more sophisticated. Don't fire me but you look sexier than before. I can't handle it." She admitted biting her lip. I lightly chuckled and stood up moving around to the other side of my desk. I sat on it and put my feet up on the chair.

"You're gonna have to learn how to work with me babygirl. I don't mean to be intimidating or anything. You're gonna be the closest one to me at this job so we need to be on a good level here. Aight?" Her cheeks got red and she nodded.

"Sure thing Da- Boss!" She quickly corrected what she was about to say and shook her head in embarrassment.

"Great. Could you go and pass these out to everyone please?" I asked as if I didn't notice what she said. She stood up and I handed a stack of flyers to her.

"Will do." She said before walking out. Man she's something else. I sat back in my chair and got on my phone. Shay had texted me.

Shay: I seen you laughing at me earlier.

Me: 😂 You dropped your keys when you seen the kid

Shay: Yeah yeah. I didn't expect you to be so dressed up.

Me: Well now you can expect to see this ray of sunshine every morning looking spiffy

Shay: 😴 That is not something I'll look forward to

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