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~ Chapter Twenty Two ~

I rolled out of bed and yelled as I yawned. I was sore as fuck because of Jakari. I was about to be in my feelings all day because I really am going to miss her. I looked at the time and rolled my eyes. 8am. The movers would be here in an hour and I had to catch a plane with Kaden in two hours.

I checked my phone and the first message was from Jakari.

Kari 😩: I'm gonna miss you even more now that I know you love me too. It was nice knowing ya Ari. Have a safe trip.

I sighed and deleted all our messages. I decided not to let myself cry over her, even though I really wanted to, and I went to take a shower. I took a real quick one then I put on a hoodie and sweats for this plane ride. I had a hickey on my neck from Kari of course. It was super dark. How was I supposed to hide that?

She probably left more than just that too and Kaden will see them. Fuck! I would just cover them with makeup or put ice on them later. I got my carry on and stuffed it with snacks and a blanket and a pillow. I was tired as hell.

I remembered that I had a text from Kaden.

Girlfriend 😍💍: I'm Omw over with my stuff babe

Me: Okay

SHIT. I ran to the kitchen to get some ice but she was here already. I put my hood up and went to open the door. I pulled it open and she hugged me tightly.

 I pulled it open and she hugged me tightly

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"Goodmorning daddy." She said showering me with kisses.

"Goodmorning babe. I take it you slept well." I said.

"Yes I did. Why do you have a hoodie on? It's not even cold outside." She said.

"Well I'm cold." I said. She crossed her arms and nodded her head.

"You must think I'm stupid. I can't believe this. Mind you, You told me to wear a hoodie after you covered my fucking neck in hickeys. Ariana what the fuck!" She yanked the hood off my head and examined my neck.

"Kaden let me explain."

"Fuck you. Take the hoodie off right fucking now." She said. I sighed and took the hoodie off. She looked so angry. I looked down and got mad too. Jakari left so many dark ass hickeys on my chest mannn. "You cheated on me? Right before we were supposed to move together? I guess this all works out, I was only fucking with you to get out of my dad's house!"

"Now that's some bull. You're deadass? I actually have feelings for you Kaden. Last night.. it wasn't a mistake but I'm sorry for betraying you like that. But if you don't really fuck with me then FUCK YOU. Shit go back to your daddy's house. I'm fine on my own." I said. I honestly didn't care anymore. If I really wanted to start over, it's best to leave her here too.

She left and I deleted all her shit from my phone. I put the house key under the mat for the movers and I made my way to the airport. I had a new car, a new house, and a new life waiting for me in Miami. I waited for my flight to arrive and while I was waiting, I seen Jakari walking towards me. What was she doing here?

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