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^ Dom ^
~ Chapter Thirty Three ~

I finished hiding everything in the closet and called Dom to come over. She was the only person that knew about my plans and she was the only one helping out. I went downstairs and seen her pulling up in her Rolls Royce. Dom has MONEY. I mean she gets guap. It's crazy how young she is but how much hustling she does. She's only 19, dropped out of school, ran away from home, and now is a multi-millionaire.

"ARIIII!!! It's the big day bruh you excited?" She dapped me up and stepped inside my house.

"I'm excited as fuck. I just be wanting to go outside and scream to everybody that I'm about to make the love of my life my wife soon. Man it's really crazy." I explained with the smile on my face that just wouldn't go away.

"Y'all are dummy cute bro. What the fuck? I'm confused because I ain't neva seen a couple as cute and strong as the two of you. I was even more confused when you told me about last night. Who is Vee?" She put her feet on the coffee table, revealing her all red Dom Kane shoes. She has her own brand.

"Man Vee is this bitch that just loves to fuck up relationships. I mean she's so persistent and she ain't bad looking. I was just nervous that she would have tried fucking with Jakari. But I trust Jakari." I explained as I played with my curls.

"You trust her enough to be around a fuckboy like that? Excuse me, fuckdyke? Them the type of girls that just know every way to play. Let me shut up. I'm not tryna fuck up your plans." She said baring her teeth. I laughed and shook my head at her.

"Yeah you do that. But after she gets here, we gon get her situated then I'll take her out. That's when you can set everything up. I really appreciate this bro. You a real one." I said reaching across the table with my hand out. We did our handshake and we heard a car door shut outside.

I looked out the window and my heart beat started racing when I seen Jakari.

"It's her, bro hide!" I said. She jumped up and ran to the basement. I went and opened the door. Kari was getting her bags out of the trunk of the taxi. I ran up to her and hugged her from behind. She started laughing and held onto my arms.

"I missed you so much." I said kissing her cheek. She turned around and gave me a kiss.

"I missed you more babe." I picked up her heaviest bag and she grabbed the other two. We went inside and took her stuff to my room. I watched her as she searched through the bags for her phone charger. She's so gorgeous. It was crazy because she looked more gorgeous than ever. She just had this glow.

^ Jakari ^

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^ Jakari ^

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked frustratedly. I laughed and grabbed her hand pulling her between my legs. I was sitting on my bed and I wanted to propose right there in that moment. But I wanted it to be special.

"Kari you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." I smiled as she began to blush. "I want you to know that."

"I don't deserve you." She said shaking her head.

"Why would you say that?" I asked.

"I just don't feel as if I can live up to your expectations." She looked down and I held her chin up to look in her eyes.

"I have no expectations other than for you to put in effort. You do everything right babe. I don't want to hear you say that ever again." I stated without breaking eye contact. She began tearing up and hugged me tightly. I was surprised but I wrapped my arms around her without hesitation.

"Promise me you won't let anything come between us." She said sniffling.

"I promise." I said rubbing her back. I didn't know why she was acting this way but I had to be there for her no matter what. Through anything.

* * * *

I finished putting on my tie and looked in the mirror. I had on an all black suit with a gold, shiny tie. My blazer was more of a vest and it was tight fitted. I had my hair straightened and it reached a few inches past my shoulders now. I put on my gold aviator glasses, one of my gold watches, and all gold shoes made by Dom. They shined. I shined.

I made sure I had everything prepared before I went outside to the limo. I made Jakari change in the guest room so she would be surprised at least. It's hard picking your date up from your own house. Jakari came outside 10 minutes later and stopped in her tracks when she seen me standing next to the limo.

"Is this a dream?" She asked looking around. "Am I being punk'd?!"

"Girl bring yo ass here." I said laughing. She walked towards me shocked. Her outfit complimented her so nicely.

"I feel out of place even looking at this limo." She said with wide eyes. "You look more extravagant than the limo."

"I gotta go all out for my lady. Hop in." I said opening the door for her. The driver stood nearby and came to close the door after I got in.

"You're so sexy right now. I meannn damn zaddy." She stuck her tongue out and I laughed pulling her close to me.

"You lookin' mighty fine yourself." I replied kissing her lips.

"What is all this for?" She asked.

"You'll see. Be patient baby. We're gonna do a lot of special things tonight." I said with a wink.

"Oh gosh. I'm too anxious." She said smiling.

"It's worth it. Because you deserve it." The limo stopped at the first destination. Late lunch. I held Jakari's hand as we walked inside, all eyes on us. We were sat at a table and had the perfect dinner. Then I took her to get her favorite ice cream.

"I'm having so much fun with you." She said.

"We still have a long day ahead of us." The next thing on the agenda was a boat ride. I reserved a boat for us but one other couple would be on the boat with us. Just not on the same level.

The limo dropped us off at the dock and we boarded onto the boat. I took her to the small room and we sat down to wait for the boat to take off.

"Baby this is all too much." She said while looking around at the candle lit room and the bottles of expensive wine. Neither of us were old enough to drink but I'm the plug. So I poured us both a glass of wine and took her out to the patio. The boat began to move and we sipped our wine while enjoying our surroundings.

I sat my glass down and grabbed Jakari's free hand.

"I have a very important question to ask you." I said. She watched with wide eyes as I got on one knee. I took out my ring and heard clapping coming from beside us. We both looked to the side and had two completely different reactions when we seen who was standing there.

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