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~ Chapter Thirty-Five ~
IG & Twitter @ arianaraw

It's been a month and I hadn't even heard from Jakari. It was really over. I got on my phone and seen people tagging me in a picture. I opened it and looked wide eyed at a picture of Jakari and Vee in bed together.

It was posted by Vee and I didn't even know the people that had tagged me in it. I blocked them all and turned my phone off. I went downstairs and found Dom in the living room, watching Martin. I sat next to her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"What's wrong honey bun?" She asked making me smile.

"Nothing really. Thanks for being a good friend Dom. I don't know what I would have done without you." I said referring to a month ago. When Jakari's bitch ass broke my heart. She didn't even try to give me an excuse. Obviously Vee told the whole truth.

"You know I got you. Do you wanna go out for lunch or something?" She asked. It was Saturday so I didn't have work.

"Yeah let me get dressed first." I went to my room and threw on a quick outfit, took my straightened hair down and combed it so it looked kinda fresh. I tied my shoes and went back downstairs.

"I'm driving." She said. We walked out to her car and got inside. I love her car so damn much. She drove to our favorite spot, Hooters, and went inside. It was so busy. But Dom knew the manager so he got us situated and we ordered wings.

We were eating in peace when this girl walked up to us and sat at our table. She had on a Hooters shirt and she looked ehh.

"Sorry to interrupt but I feel like I've seen you somewhere.. Do you know Jakari?" She asked. I looked at Dom who was just as confused as me.

"Y-yeah I know her. Why?" I asked.

"She posted a video of you two on Instagram today. I knew I recognized you! You two are the cutest couple I've ever seen." She says making my heart ache a little. When Dom noticed me not saying anything she spoke up.

"Uh Jakari and Ariana aren't together anymore." Dom said.

"But... Oh. Now I understand the caption. Jakari is my cousin and she's visiting me for the week. I think you two should talk. Unless you're her girlfriend now.." She said frowning.

"We're just friends. But if Jakari wants to talk to me, she can. I'm not stopping her." I said messing with my food.

"I'll talk to her. It was nice meeting you." She got up and left and I got on my phone, searching up Jakari's Instagram. The video she posted was of us on the boat, the night I wanted to make her my fiancée. We were in the room with the lights on and we had been waiting for the boat to take off. The way we looked at each other.. I miss her so much.

Her caption read, My one and only. 💔💔💔💔💔💔

I locked my phone, sliding it into my pocket. I had no appetite anymore. Dom pouted at me.

"My honey bun is sad now. Let's go home. If Jakari is really here, I'll call her for you. You guys need to talk." She said standing up. I sighed and stood up, we grabbed our food and left.

* * * *

I laid in bed, cuddling my pillow and staring at the ceiling. Dom was downstairs and I didn't want to be bothered at all. A text came to my phone and I seen it was Dom.

Dom Baby: Jakari is on her way upstairs. She just ran in uninvited!

I sat up and as soon as I did, Jakari came in my room. I stared at her as she stood there silent.

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