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~ Chapter Five ~

"This could have all been prevented if you had just kept your mouth shut. No one had to know about us. Especially not her..."

* * *

I got up from the couch and looked at the time. It was midnight. I looked at the door confused. What the hell? Why was it wide open?

"Mom?! Dad?!" My brothers were gone. Both at family member's houses. My mom and dad were supposedly both on business trips. I shut and locked the door and went upstairs to my room. It didn't seem like anyone was here so I just got in the shower and washed up.

I got out and made sure my door was locked when I laid in bed with the fan on so I would air dry. I was slowly drifting to sleep until two gloved hands grabbed me. I was about to scream but they covered my mouth and took me into the bathroom. They tied my hands together and sat me down.

"Don't try to get up." She said flashing a gun. I bent over so she couldn't see my body and tried not to cry. It was the stud who cut me and broke Cherry's ankle.

"What do you want?" I asked as my voice shook.

"Why you hiding babygirl? I won't hurt you." She said taking her gloves and hoodie off revealing a sports bra and tattoos.

"You already have hurt me. What for?" I asked.

"I was just angry." She sat across from me on the floor making me feel more uncomfortable. "I like you Ariana. You don't know me but I know you. Through Jade's girlfriend Tiara."

"I should've known. I knew she would've had someone watching me." I said.

"Well sorta. She had me keep my eye on you and Jade to make sure you didn't try anything with Jade. But over time I just got tired of watching from a distance. You're pretty fucking fine. And watching you for 2 months can get aggravating. Especially seeing you with Nicole. Then you and Jade started fucking and Tiara had me get you."

"That's fucked up. You didn't even know the situation and you hurt me and Cherry." I said.

"Yeah. I was mad because she got to have you and I didn't. I know you more than you think I do. And I hurt her for coming at you like that. I should apologize." She explained.

"You should untie me and let me get some clothes on because I'm really not comfortable right now. Even less now that I know you're interested in me." I said still with my head resting on my knees.

"I guess I shouldn't have attacked while you were naked but you were falling asleep so I had to do something before you fell asleep so I could talk to you." She said with a smirk.

"Creep." I said under my breath. But she heard me and started laughing.

"I have to admit, I want you in multiple ways. But I won't just take it. Let me untie you." She said standing up. I stood up and turned around so she could untie me.

I watched her in the mirror as she did and her eyes wandered a bit too much. I grabbed a towel as soon as she got my hands untied and wrapped it around me.

"Can you leave now?" I asked leaning against the sink. She licked her lips and smiled.

"Sure you want me to?" She asked looking at my lips.

"Yes. Please go. To be completely honest, I'm scared of you and the only reason I'm not crying is so that you don't try to touch me." I said looking down. She let out a sigh and left. I locked my door again along with my windows and laid in bed.

I have never been so scared. I thought I would get raped or even killed by her. I started to cry and I called Cherry. She was the only one that knew about the whole situation with her.

"Hello" She answered tiredly.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"No no. What's wrong? Are you crying?" She asked.

"Th-that girl broke into my house and she tied me up and I thought she would rape me or maybe kill me because she had a gun. But she left. I know she isn't done with me Cherry. I didn't have anyone else to talk to. I'm sorry." I said crying harder.

"I'm coming over." She said before she hung up. I got up and got on some shorts and a hoodie. I got a text from Cherry ten minutes later to let her in so I went and opened the door.

She came in and closed the door then hugged me.

"How did she get in?" She asked looking around.

"The front door apparently. I woke up and it was open but I guess she was hiding in my room. I've never felt so violated and scared and you were the only person who knew about her and what happened." I said.

"Ariana calm down. She's gone now. I can stay the night. Okay?"

"Okay." We went to my room and laid down. I wasn't even sleepy anymore.

"You can go to sleep ya know? I won't let anything happen to you." Cherry said sitting up.

"I'm still in shock. I don't feel tired right now." I said.

"Well let's talk. Why won't you give Kari a chance? She really likes you." She slammed me with a question about her already..

"Woww I just don't want to be in a relationship right now and I obviously can't. That girl hurt you because you tried to fight me and she hurt me because I was with Jade and Nicole. She said she wants me and that means I can't be with anyone else." I explained.

"Wow. So Kari or you might get hurt. Can't you keep it on the low?"

"I don't even want to bring her into this. She will ask questions." I said. That's when I remembered that girl from the store. Capri. I can't be with anyone if I don't want them to get hurt. I turned onto my stomach and let myself fall asleep.

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