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~ Chapter Twenty Eight ~

We were eating and it was not going good. Shay and Jakari looked like they wanted to beat each other's ass and kept getting smart with each other. Now this is not what I expected..

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Lay said walking off. Shay sat back and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"She really thinks I'm scared or something." She said pointing at Jakari. Jakari shook her head and sat up.

"You fucking up my night man." Kari stated.

"Nah you fucking up my night. You coming back into Ari's life as if you can take her away from me or some shit. How you bring your girlfriend and you steady giving Ariana looks? As if I won't notice that shit. You need to stay in yo place before I take yo ass outside." Shay demanded.

"Wow can you two st-"

"Fuck you." Jakari said to Shay cutting me off. "Ariana will always be mine. If my girl wasn't with me then Ari would be in bed with me right now."

I looked at Jakari like she was crazy. She is actually.

"I think we need to cut this dinner short." I said. I was irritated as hell now.

"I think so too." Lay said from behind the table. I guess she heard Jakari say what she said. "You two should go. We'll get a cab."

Shay and I went outside to my car and got inside. I was so irritated now. I knew deep down that was a bad idea. I drove off towards the highway and didn't say one thing to Shay.

"You're mad at me?" Shay asked putting her arm on my seat.

"You didn't have to start that with her." I said.

"If you think about it, she started it by coming here. Shit she kept giving me dirty looks and giving you looks. She don't know who I am Ari. She can't do that shit. It's not my fault she too young. I'm here now. She's leaving in 3 weeks. I am not gonna let her fuck us up and then leave." She explained.

"I'm gonna ask her to leave early. She shouldn't have come in the first place." I proclaimed. I turned onto our street and drove down to my house, parking in the driveway.

"Ya know what, I don't want to be in any drama. You clearly aren't the right one for me. So I'm just gonna leave you alone." She said getting out the car. She serious? I got out the car and slammed the door.

"You legit just fucking said you wouldn't let her fuck what we have up!" I yelled.

"Everyone lies sometimes." She stated.

"Fuck you then Shay!" I walked up to my door and let myself in. "I'm so fucking done with relationships." I said to myself. I really was this time. All I do is fuck shit up. My dumb ass.

I wish things had worked with Kaden and she actually had feelings for me. We could have been something good. Jakari is just fucking dumb. Coming here knowing she's in love with me, bringing her dumb ass girlfriend and expecting me to be okay with that shit. Why would she come here knowing she can't stay? Fuck everybody.

I went to my room and took all my shit off except my bra and boxers. I sat at my desk and rolled a blunt. A fat ass blunt. I lit it and listened to Siya while I smoked. I heard my door open and close downstairs so I went to see who it was. It was Lay.

She came upstairs and met me in front of my room.

"Jakari isn't coming back. I'm here to get our stuff. Then we'll be outta here." She said. I nodded and she went to get their shit packed. That was good news if you ask me. Real good news. Fuck both of them and Shay. No one deserves me to be honest.

I finished my blunt and went downstairs high as fuck. I got a bag of chips from the cabinet and sat on my couch while I attacked them. Somebody knocked on my door and since I never care about clothes, I opened the door.

"Can I help you?" I asked looking at my watch. It was almost midnight.

"I uh found your wallet. Your business card has your address on it." She said holding my wallet out to me.

"Ohh shit. Thanks for not robbing my slow ass." I said. She laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

"Nah I seen your picture and had to hand it to you in person." She said smirking.

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked. "I'm flattered. Where you find it at?"

"It was in the parking lot at Olive Garden." She said. "I noticed you work for that big clothing line. I think I work for you."

"Woww I'm being unprofessional then." I said covering my bare stomach. She laughed and shook her head.

"I don't mind. I won't tell." She said smiling. I smiled and took my wallet from her.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Danny from 5th floor Marketing."

"I'm Ariana AKA Boss from 10th floor. I'll see you Monday." I said. "Thanks again for my wallet."

She left and I went back upstairs with my chips. Lay left with all their stuff and I went to bed.


Sunday fucking morning. Great. What was I supposed to do? I heard my doorbell ringing over and over and rolled my eyes so fucking hard. I looked in the mirror quickly before jogging down the stairs.

"STOP RINGING MY FUCKING DOORBELL!!" I yelled halfway to the door. The ringing stopped and I opened the door to see Jess. What was she doing here? "Jess man what the fuck?"

"I ain't mean to wake yo ass up. You wasn't answering the phone. Can I come in?" She asked. I let her in and a friend followed. What? I was too tired to question it.

"Why are y'all here?" I asked sitting on my couch.

"This is my friend Danny. I just moved here so I wanted to visit yo antisocial ass." Jess said. I looked at Danny and noticed she was the girl that found my wallet.

"I met Danny from 5th floor last night bruh. Funny. Well let me wake up first so I can get dressed and we can go out." I said standing up.

"Yeah take yo naked ass upstairs." She said. I flicked her off and went to my room where I took a 5 minute shower and got some clothes on. I slipped on my Gucci flip flops and went back downstairs.

"Who driving?" I asked.

"I am. Let's go." Jess said as they both stood up.

To Be Continued

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