Love Vs. Lust

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~ Chapter Thirty One ~

"Ariana are you awake?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the bright lights in my hospital room. I looked around and seen Jess and my brothers. My brothers.

I started to cry when I seen them. Tavaris looked up and smiled. Michael started to cry too. I tried to sit up but I got so lightheaded that I just sat back. Tavaris brought Michael to me and sat him on the bed with me.

"How is it at home?" I asked wiping my eyes as Michael hugged me.

"It's exactly the same except everyone misses you. Mom and dad couldn't make it today but they'll be here to see you tomorrow. How you feel sis?" He asked.

"I'm numb right now. But I'll bounce back as always. I missed y'all." I said.

"We missed you too. I have to go talk to some people real quick though. I'm gonna come back with some food later." He said. He gave me a hug and left. I played with Michael's hair and noticed the clothes I was wearing were folded and stacked up on the table next to me.

"I'm really confused about why you're here." I said looking at Jess.

"Me?" Jess asked looking clueless.

"Yeah you. TK told me you were working with her. Ion know why you're even here." I said. She looked shocked.

"I'm still your friend though." She said.

"Bitchhhh get outta here with that shit. Friends don't do the shit you did. Fuck you." I said. A nurse came in to check on me and Jess left. She checked everything despite Michael being knocked out on top of me.

* * * *

A few days later, I was allowed to go home. I put on the outfit Tavaris brought for me and we went outside to my dad's car. My dad hugged me and let me sit in the passenger seat.

I was happy to be with my family again and happy to be free of TK. TK was pronounced dead at the accident, couldn't be saved. I would have never wished that on her but I was relieved.

My dad pulled up at my house and my heart skipped a beat when I seen Jakari sitting on my steps. I got out of the car and limp ran to her. She looked up and her eyes widened. She got up and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so happy you're okay." She said without letting go.

"Where were you?" I asked crying and holding her shirt. I never cried so much for one person.

"I knew about TK's plan so I had to leave for a little while. Then I heard about the accident. I'm so sorry." She said.

"Kari I want to be with you. After you finish the school year, you can move here." I said pulling away.

"Really?" She asked looking surprised.

"Yes. You're the only one for me. I can wait however long it takes." I responded.

"Come on." My dad threw Jakari my house keys and we went inside. I had my arm around her shoulders for support and we went straight to the kitchen. She had a whole breakfast set up. I'm sure she didn't cook it but it was the thought that counts.

"Why were you in that car with her? You don't know how scared I was when they called me and told me what happened." She said frowning. I put my fork down and told her everything that I planned to do.

"See. I had my own plan. I don't want to say I'm happy she's dead but I'm happy she's gone. I'm more happy that I have you and we're both okay." I finished explaining and she hugged me again, kissing all over my face.

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