That's Dead

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~ Chapter Eight ~

I texted Capri after TK left. She had to think everything was good.

Me- Hey I just woke up.

I was dead lying but if she knew I had been awake at 8 then she would've tried to pick me up earlier.

Pri 😍- Oh hey sleepy head.

Me- Hey. Sorry I was up late..

Pri 😍- You're fine. Ready to go?

Me- Yeah sure

Pri 😍- Okayy well I'm omw then.

Me- I'll be waiting

I decided to dress up a little for her. Putting on gray ripped jeans, a black OF hoodie, and gucci sandals. Gonna fuck somebody's bitch. I shouldn't say that knowing myself. I took my hair down and put in some curl activator. I went and brushed my teeth, and put on my jewelry.

I heard a knock on the door and heard Tavaris go and open it. I went to the top of the stairs and looked at them.

"You my sister's friend?" He asked.

"Hopefully more than a friend." Capri said boldly.

"Oh really? Ion think you can handle her." He replied crossing his arms.

"But I can. Do you have a problem with me picking her up or what?" She asked.

"Nah I need my sister to stay safe. You just don't look up to the job." He said looking her up and down.

"I'm up for the job. She's in good hands bruh. Can you call her down or something?"

"Mhmm. ARIANA! Yo friend here!" He yelled. I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs. Capri smiled when she seen me and Tavaris looked straight faced.

"Varis stop looking like that. I'll be home later." I said. I got in the car with Capri and she pulled off, driving towards the highway.

"Where are we going?" I asked. She smiled and shook her head.

"Nunya business babygirl. You'll like it." She said. I laughed and got on my phone while she drove and rapped along with JCole.

I had a text from an unknown number.

Unknown- Be careful who you hanging around now. I said you could fuck with who you want but not people from the opposing side.

I put my phone down and looked at Capri.

"What?" She asked.

"Are you in a gang?" I asked in response. She looked away from me and focused on the street. "Capri."

"Yeah I am." She replied.

"Take me home."

"Are you serious?" She asked looking disappointed.

"Oh I'm deadass son take me home. I'm not about to fuck with no gang members. Fuck I look like?" She sighed and got off the exit to get on the other side and take me home.

I am not about to lose my life over a bitch. I don't care if she is pretty. Fine as fuck that is. Shit. I see shit like that happen too much. Finally, we got to my house and I hopped out the car.

"So this really it?" She asked.

"Yeah. Sorry." I went into my house and up to my room. Someone was standing in my room wearing all black and they had a gun under their shirt, I could tell. They turned around when I opened the door. I quickly shut it again and ran as fast as I could to one of the closets in the basement.

I turned my phone on silent and texted the number back.

Me- I stopped fw her. But someone is in my house with a gun. If this is TK, I would appreciate some life saving rn.

Me- ASAP!!!

I waited in the closet for 20 or 30 minutes until I heard some commotion upstairs and some things falling. I heard the basement steps creak and brought the sound of my breathing down to a 0. Or I stopped breathing altogether.

The footsteps neared the door and it was swung open. I had a mini heart attack but relief came over me when I seen TK standing there. Ironic right? She was holding her arm and bleeding though.

"What happened to your arm?" I asked stepping out of the closet.

"Ole dude stabbed me. I'll be aight. Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine. You aren't. Come on." I said taking her to the bathroom. I got the bandages and a first aid kit from the cabinet. She leaned against the sink and I helped her take her jacket off. I pushed her sleeve up and I fixed her cut up.

"Thank you. I didn't expect you to text me in your time of crisis." She said.

"I didn't want my friends getting hurt and I knew you wouldn't get that hurt. I didn't expect you to get hurt at all." I explained.

"I guess karma really is a bitch. I got stabbed for stabbing you. Plus I had no idea where this dude was in the house or where you were so I had to be careful." She responded.

"Well thanks for helping me." I said.

"Were you really that scared? I mean that you decided to text me and not ole girl from the opposition?"

"Well I don't fuck with girls in gangs anyways but I experienced your force first hand. Capri isn't that built ya know? I don't know. You were the first person I thought of." I said. "I'm not scared of you anymore."

"Good. But I just wanna know, are you with anyone right now?" She asked.

"Uhh I mean I'm sorta with someone. She's mine. But nothing is official with her. I don't want a relationship for a while."

"Soo why won't you fuck with me?"

"You're in a gang! I can't fuck with that." I said.

"I guess I can understand that. Who is the girl though? That lil soft stud?" She asked.

"Yeah. That's the one." I replied.

"How is she yours but you aren't with her?"

"All these questions.. She's mine because she just is. If I explain it then I'll sound like a straight fuckboy." I said shaking my head.

"Aren't you one?" She asked. I mugged her ass and walked out the bathroom. She followed me and pulled me back.

"I'm just kidding. But shit you playing with my feelings."

"Noo I'm honestly not. It's not like you're gonna drop the gang shit for me so drop the subject." I explained as I walked up the stairs. There was a bag sitting on the coffee table full of my stuff. My watched and chains and shit. I grabbed it and took it to my room.

My phone started to ring with Jakari's name. I answered even though TK was being a fucking creep.

"Wassup gorgeous." I said as I put all my stuff away.

"Hey there." I could tell she was smiling. "Do you wanna go out after I get off work?"

"What time are you off?"

"5. I'm just now on my first break." She said.

"Yeah for sure. Nah hold up. I'll take you out."

"Really Ari? You don't have to do that." She stated.

"I want to. I'll pick you up from work aight."


"Ight later."


I put my phone down and finished putting my shit away.

"So why are you still here?" I asked TK. She mugged me right back. "I'm just playing. Do you wanna go get some food? My treat." I asked.

"Yeah I'm starving."

"Let's go." I said without even thinking about where the guy she beat up was.

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