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~ Chapter Sixteen ~

Kaden was asleep next to me and her dad was calling her phone. I didn't even notice how late it was. I woke her up quickly and jumped out of bed. I didn't want to have her in trouble and it's only our third date.

"Hello?" She answered the phone tiredly. "No no I'm sorry dad we fell asleep watching this movie... yeah I'm on my way now."

She hung up and looked at me. Her neck was covered in hickeys.. Oops. I was covered in them too so it was payback really. We were both naked so we got dressed quick as fuck and went out to my car.

While I was driving her home, she turned my music down.

"I hope you don't just think of me as one of your hoes. That would be some dog ass shit." She said fixing her hair up in the mirror.

"Babygirl I'm not talking to anyone else. You're the only person I'm even tryna fuck with. Aight?" She bit her lip and nodded.

"Thanks for the hoodie." She said. It was one of my favorite hoodies but it covered her neck so I let her put it on so her dad wouldn't see anything.

"Take good care of it. It's my baby." I said while fake crying. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up. I like it. It smells like you." She said as she buried her face in the hood.

"You're a whole creep Kaden." I said causing her to laugh.

"I know. Better hope I don't get yelled at or I'm catching this jacket on fire." I looked at her like she was crazy.

"And you're buying me a new one. Shitttt." I pulled up in front of her house and sighed. I didn't want her to go. She made the same face I was making and leaned in to kiss me. She kissed me a few good times before opening the door.

"I'll see you later." She said pouting. I gave her a hug and kissed her one more time.

"Later it is." She got out of the car and I made sure she got in the house before pulling off to go back home and kill Capri for interrupting us earlier. I called her on my way home.

"Hello." She answered with a tired voice.

"My bad did I WAKE YO ASS UP NIGGA?!" I screamed into the phone just to hurt her ear.

"Damn!! What the fuck is your problem Ariana?" She asked.

"Nah what is your problem?! You're stupid for breaking in my house and shit Capri like we only talked for four fucking days and you're pressed about me cutting you off. Live your life." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I get attached really quick. Did I tell you I quit? Because I did. So if things don't work out with you and her, I might still be here." She said before hanging up. Man whatever. Nobody told her ass to quit.

I parked in my driveway and rolled my eyes when I seen Jakari sitting on my porch. Really nigga? I say that entirely too much. I got out of the car and walked towards her. She stood up and stared at me the whole damn time.

"Fuck are you staring for?" I asked. She looked at the porch and shook her head.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. We all made a bet that had to deal with fucking with you a long ass time ago. Capri was the last one to act on it so she lost-"

"A bet?!" I yelled while unlocking the door.

"Yes a bet. Can I explain please?" She asked. I could feel my heart get heavy but I still agreed to let her explain. She followed me to my room and sat in my window seat. Kaden's bra and hair tie were on the floor and that was the first thing Kari looked at.

I picked them up and put them in my hamper ignoring her face.

"Talk." I stated.

"Okay. Well all 4 of us, Laylani wasn't in on it, decided to make a bet during sophomore year. We heard that you had always been real popular and got all the girls and shit so we wanted to play a game with you. Like we get you in bed and then the last one to make it happen loses. They were trying to prove that you were a hoe. I really just wanted to get to you when it was all over. See how you would react to it all. But things didn't go as planned with me Ariana. I think I fell in love with you and I didn't even want you to find out about the bet but I had to tell you before they all tried to come at your neck." A knot formed in my throat and I just nodded my head. I started to cry without being able to stop and Jakari's eyes widened.

It made sense now. Jade and Nicole on my birthday and the poly relationship. Then Jade being so persistent about Jakari. Why Capri is so insistent about changing for me. Wowww.

"So I'm a hoe because every single one of you seduced me?! Jade seduced me, Nicole did too. They did it together! Then you! Oh my god. And Capri tried. I guess all I am is a hoe. Right? God I'm so stupid. I should have known. Girls don't just come to me like that and then it happened all at once with 4 different girls?! I'm not even popular! This is bullshit." I sat on my bed and just bawled my eyes out. Jakari sat next to me and tried to put her arm around me which I quickly pushed away.

"Ari I didn't think it would have such an effect on you. I'm sorry please you have to forgive me. I would have never done it if I knew I would fall for you. Please believe that. I'm not here to hurt you." She explained.

"But those were your fucking intentions Jakari. Fucking asshole man get out of my house." I said trying to stop the flow of tears. I have never felt so betrayed. My bestfriend and my girlfriend were playing me for as long as I've known them. 3 years wasted.

She waited another minute before actually leaving. Probably to go and tell them that the whole bet worked and I was crying like a little bitch. I fucking BET that's what she told me for. How ironic. I laid down and just cried into my pillow for the rest of the night.

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