Over It

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~ Chapter Ten ~

"Hey." Jakari said as she got into my car.

"Wassup how was work?" I asked.

"Oh it was cool. I'm dirty as hell though do you see my clothes?" I looked at her uniform and laughed.

"Damn. Cooking pizza can get messy. I can take you home to shower and change before we go out." I said handing her my phone to put her address in.

She handed it back and I followed the directions to her house. I pulled up and seen little kids playing in the front yard. We both got out of the car and they all ran up to Jakari and started to climb her like a tree. I laughed as she got attacked by all 5 of them.

She shook them all off and pulled me into the house.

"Bad ass kids.... Hey mom!" She yelled to the kitchen.

"Hi Kari and friend. Who's this?" She asked walking up to us.

"This is Ariana." Jakari said blushing. Her mom didn't notice, she was too busy looking at my hair.

"Honey your hair is gorgeous. What do you use in it?" She asked.

"Nothing but Cantu and coconut oil." I said with a smile.

"Awe okay well what are you two about to do?" She asked.

"I don't know what she has planned." Jakari stated shrugging her shoulders.

"It's a surprise." I said.

"Oh okay. Kari go shower. I wanna talk to your friend here." She said sending Jakari off to her room. I followed her mom into the kitchen and sat down at the counter.

"So do you like my daughter?" She asked.

"Uh we're just friends." I said. She laughed and shook her head.

"That's not what I asked though. I seen how y'all were looking at each other honey. She didn't wanna leave your side to go shower. I know these things. How old are you Ariana?" She asked.

"I'm 18. I just turned 18 about 2 weeks ago." I said.

"You know that Jakari is only 16 right? I don't want her getting into anything she shouldn't be in. She needs to be focused on school." She explained.

"Oh yeah I understand. I tend to stay out of drama and parties and stuff. Just not for me."

"Good. Did you just graduate from her school?"

"Yeah I did."


"Uh no I'm not going to college. I have a job set up for me in Atlanta." I said hoping she wouldn't grill me for not going to school.

"Well I hope you can support yourself off that job."

"Yeah I'll be the head of my dad's company. He has a few locations around and wants me to take over for him in Atlanta." I said. She nodded and smiled.

"That sounds pretty good. Just don't have Jakari trying to run to Atlanta with you." She said.

"I won't." Jakari walked in the kitchen all dressed and ready now. She looked so cute. "Ready?"

She nodded and I said bye to her mom before we left. I drove to Magic Mountain and parked in the parking lot.

"Are you serious?" Jakari said laughing.

"Yeahh come on. I haven't been here since I was 13. We went inside and I bought a ton of tokens and food tickets. It wasn't as busy as I expected. I pulled Kari to the games and we started with basketball.

"I'm not good at sports Ariana." She said looking at me with doubt.

"Oh come on. Just throw the ball." I said with a laugh. I started shooting as fast as I could and finished with a score twice as high as hers. "Alright alright let's get some tickets then."

4 Hours Later

Jakari and I were in my car, in the empty parking lot of Magic Mountain. They had just closed and we were eating all the candy we got.

"I had a lot of fun tonight." She said looking at me.

"I had fun too. You ain't even wanna do nothing at first." I said. She laughed and nodded.

"Yeah yeah. That didn't last long though. I haven't been that happy in a long time."

"Well good. I want this summer to be great." I said. She didn't know why I said it.

"Ari are we still just friends?" She asked. My smile faded and I looked out the window at the dark go kart track.

"Um yeah. I don't want to be in a relationship Kari. Not for awhile. I would say why but I don't want to ruin the summer for us." I explained leaning my head back.

"What are you fucking other girls?" She asked.

"Nah it's not that. Don't worry about it. Okay. I just want to enjoy the summer with you." I said. She rolled her eyes and got on her phone.

"Okay. I want to go home." She said.


"Yes. I'm irritated now. I have to reconsider this friendship shit." She said.

"Wowww. Aight." I turned on my Boosie and let it blast on the way to her house. When I got there, her mom was sitting on the porch. Jakari got out and I sped off without another word. I didn't want her mom to try talking to me again.

I drove myself home and went inside to my room. I can't lie, I was in my feelings now. I locked my door and rolled one just for the hell of it. I lit it and watched music videos while I smoked it.

My video cut off when a call from Jade came in.

"What?" I answered.

"Let me in." She said.

"What the hell?"

"I'm at your window Ariana. Let me in." She said. I hung up the phone and took another hit before opening my window. She climbed in and sat on the window seat.

"Fuck are you here for?" I asked sitting down.

"I was thinking about our little talk at Chipotle and I had to come see you. I need to apologize." She said.

"Fuck yo apology." I said blowing smoke in the air.

"Okay." She took her shirt and pants off and stood up.

"Let me apologize

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"Let me apologize." She said sitting on my lap. She ran her tongue up and down my neck and bit my ear. I had to put my blunt out.

"Jade get off man." I said pushing her off. I got up and she got aggressive, pushing me onto my bed. I honestly didn't want to have anything to do with her. She was trying to get my pants off so I smacked her with all my strength. She started to cry instantly.

"I told you to get the fuck off." I said letting her fall onto the floor as I got up. I opened my door for her to leave. She grabbed her clothes and walked out. Fucking hoes man. I'm over it.

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