Poly Fly

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~ Chapter Two ~
IG & Twitter @ arianaraw

I got out of bed and admired my abs in the mirror. They always look the best in the morning. I checked my phone and seen another dm from Jakari. What now?

shefwj- Are you willing to be friends?

Me- Uh sure okay

She didn't reply after that. I took a shower and got dressed in an Adidas jacket, khaki cargos and Superstars. I put a hat over my curls and grabbed everything I needed for the day.

I laid on my bed and got on snapchat. I was making some videos when Michael came in.

"Wassup man." I said as he climbed onto my bed.

"Mommy and Daddy are arguing." He said pouting. I shook my head and let him lay with me. They've been arguing since Michael was born. Michael was born without one of his legs and I guess our mom doesn't feel like he deserves all the love she has to give. Just to put it nicely.

He can do everything he puts his mind to. Including walking everywhere around the house, slowly, and climbing up on things. I put him on my story and then put my phone down.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Does mommy like me?" He asked. I sat up and felt my heart break when he asked me that.

"Come here." He sat on my lap and I put my arm around him. "Mommy loves you. She just thinks you should have been born with two legs. She thinks you're different. You're not different man. Don't worry your handsome little head about a thing. She loves you." I explained the best way I could. But I knew the truth.

"I don't want you to leave." He said beginning to cry. I frowned, getting upset quickly. I stood up and picked him up to take him to Tavaris.

"I have to leave man. But Varis will be here with you okay." I said. He nodded while still gripping my shirt and crying. I knocked on his door and he answered a minute later.

"What's wrong?" He asked grabbing Michael.

"It's Mom again." I said. He put Michael in the room and turned some cartoons on before leaving the room.

"They're arguing again?" He asked.

"Yeah. I don't understand this Varis. She gave birth to him and barely gives a damn about him because he's missing a leg. Why does that shit matter?" I said feeling tears dripping.

"Don't cry sis. She's just a very judgmental person. We can't change that." He said.

"Yeah but I mean I guess I understand why she doesn't feel inclined to like me. She wanted the pretty princess type daughter and I'm a gay ass tomboy. But her 3 year old son being born without his leg is not his fault. She's punishing him for it."

"Aye I'll talk to her. You go to school and don't worry about it okay." He pulled me into a hug and I said okay. Then went back to my room to get all my stuff and go to school.

I looked at my phone and seen a text from Jade.

Jade- Happy birthday mf.

Me- Oh shit. I forgot.

Jade- You're slow as hell.

It's my 18th birthday. I got my keys and went to go pick her up. When I got to the driveway there was an extra car.

Me- I'm outside.

Jade- Well come inside. I'm not ready yet.

Me- Omfg.

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