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~ Chapter Eighteen ~
IG & Twitter @ arianaraw

I put my phone on do not disturb because Jakari kept calling and texting me while I was trying to focus on Kaden. Luckily, she didn't notice. She was sitting next to me in the car nodding her head to Kodak Black.

I was driving to a drive in movie but on the way, I stopped at this pizza place to buy some wings.

"What kind you want babe?" I asked looking at her.

"Honey Barbecue." She said.

"I'll take 10 buffalo wings and 10 barbecue wings with 5 cheesy breadsticks." I said into the speaker.

"That all for you?" The lady asked.

"Uhh I need a Mountain Dew and a Sprite. That's all."

"$20 even at the first window." She said. I took a $20 from my wallet and pulled up to the window. I paid and then we waited.

"Babe why are your eyes getting red?" Kaden asked turning my face to look at her.

"Aw shit. Them eye drops ain't worth shit! I was smoking all morning and crying all night so my eyes were bloodshot before I went to pick you up." I admitted.

"Hold up. Why were you crying all night? What happened?" She asked concerned.

"It's a long story." I said biting my lip.

"We have time." She said crossing her arms. I sighed and began telling her the story. The only interruption was when I had to drive up and get our food. On the way to the drive-in, I told her everything.

"And you still talk to Jakari?" She asked now that she knew their names.

"No. She said she didn't want to be just friends so I told her we couldn't be anything." I said. Thinking about how sad Jakari looked.

"But you have feelings for her? More than me I'm sure. Why are you with me and not her?" She asked.

"Don't say that. Yeah I have feelings for her but she's too young and she still has to finish school. I told you I was leaving. I can build with you. Her? Can't work." I explained. "Can we just stop talking about her? I'm with you right?"

"I suppose." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"No. You know." I parked in a parking spot and put the speaker in my window.

"Are you sure you don't want to try with her?"

"Kaden. Baby I'm with you. Don't worry about her." I said grabbing her hand.

"Okay." She said with a smile. I gave her a kiss and we sat back, ate our food, and enjoyed the movie.


I dropped Kaden off at home and went home myself. It was now 10pm because we watched a bunch of different movies. I went inside the house and noticed my mom and dad watching a movie on the couch.

"I didn't know you guys were back." I said. They were in Atlanta together.

"Oh we just got in a few hours ago. We're going to the Miami location in a few hours though. Just waiting for our flight." My dad explained.

"Oh okay. Have a safe trip." I went to my room and stripped from my shorts and shirt, throwing my hat onto my chair. I took my hair down and heard something move in my closet. Always my fucking closet.

I stopped moving and looked towards my closet door. It was cracked open. I opened it and sighed in relief. Nothing. Just the ghost. I opened my window and lit a blunt. I got on my phone and looked at all the texts Jakari sent. Too many. I just put my phone down, sat at my desk, and inhaled.

"You're really just gonna ignore me like that?" I jumped out of my skin. Jakari had been hiding in the shower. How I didn't see her? I have no clue.

"Jakari what the fuck!" I yelled standing up from my chair. I put my blunt out and walked over to my door. "You gotta go."

"Ari I miss you too much for you to keep ignoring me. You know you have feelings for me too! So why are you ignoring your own feelings?" She asked walking towards me. "Your girl doesn't have to find out about us Ariana. I know how to keep a secret."

"I don't want to keep secrets. Especially not from her. This isn't going to work and I don't know how many times I have to say that until you understand." I said.

"I'm not about to sit back and watch you be with her. I need you." She said coming closer. I shook my head and looked down.

"You need to stop. Don't you know this is hurting me? If I could stay with you, I would but I can't so I'm doing what's best for me! For the both of us." I explained.

"Can't we just spend the night together? I just want to sleep here. Next to you. Please? Before I don't get to see you again." She pleaded holding onto my hand.

"Fine Jakari. Lay down." She got in my bed and I turned out the lights before laying next to her. I had undeniably crazy feelings for this girl and it hurt me to have her hurting so much. No one even knew we got our feelings so invested in each other. We didn't even know until it was too late.

I took her shirt off, leaving her in her bra and basketball shorts, and I put my blanket over the both of us.


I woke up with my arm across Jakari, holding her close to me. She was facing me now and was still sleeping. I turned to my side and reached for my phone. Jakari's arm rested on my stomach and her head on my other arm. I had a text from Kaden.

Girlfriend 😍💍: Goodmorning Daddy. I have bad news 😭 My dad is making me go on a business trip with him so he can keep an eye on me. It's gonna be for the rest of the Summer.

Me: Whoaaa that long? 😩 Don't even worry baby we can FaceTime and text constantly. I still have the intention of taking you with me when I leave.

Girlfriend 😍💍: Yes that long. That sounds perfect. I'll go with you. You know I will. Did you find out where you're gonna have to move yet?

Me: I won't find out until my parents are home from their trip. I'll know in a week.

Girlfriend 😍💍: Okayy. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone. I Have to go babe.

Me: 😩 Alright.

I put my phone down and smiled. I could definitely see her in my future. Meanwhile, Jakari was just waking up. She looked up at me and bit her lip.

"Sorry." She said moving away.

"You're fine Kari. I can be here for you for right now but after today, I just think you should-"

"Okay." She said cutting me off. She quickly went back to where she was wrapping her arm around my waist and resting her head even closer to me, on my shoulder. "I know I'm probably too close but if I only have today to be close, I'm gonna take my chances and get as close as I can get."

"Don't worry about it." I stated. Because I liked how close she was to me.

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