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~ Chapter Fourteen ~

I woke up and went straight to get my phone off the charger. I had a text from Kaden, Jakari, Capri, Jade, and TK. God damn. I went to Kaden and my messages first.

Kaden 😻: I think my dad likes you. Which is good because I don't need him on my ass about you when we're just talking right now.

Me: Awe lol good. I'll try to make an even better impression next time.

I smiled and went to Jakari's message.

Kari 💞💦: I know you're asleep and all but I'm thinking about you and Laylani is pissing me off. Call me when you wake up.

Pri 😍: Tell your hoes you gon be dropping them soon. Shit and tell who you talking to that I'm not going anywhere.

Jade 🙄: Idk why we haven't talked in so long but I need to know we're good. I'm sorry about a couple weeks ago.

TK: I don't understand you. How you gon tell me you can have me when you want and then cut me off. Bullshit Ariana.

I ignored everyone else's messages and called Kari. She didn't even answer. I looked at the time and got confused. It was 6 in the fucking morning. I slept for 5 hours. How am I even up?

I tried to go back to sleep but the shit was not working. I got in the shower and got washed up before going to pick an outfit for the day.

I finished getting all dressed up and I noticed my phone was ringing

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I finished getting all dressed up and I noticed my phone was ringing. It was TK. I sighed in frustration but answered the call.

"Bruh it's 7am what the hell you want?" I asked.

"Oh so you seen my text?" She asked.

"Yeah I seen it. So?" She made a noise and let out a long breath.

"You're pissing me off Ariana. Let me in. The window." She said.

I looked at the window and seen her silhouette

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I looked at the window and seen her silhouette. I opened the window and she jumped in my room. She had her dreads braided to the back and was dressed in all black. I shook my head at her ass while closing my window.

"I don't know why you thought you could just cut me off. You should know I'm crazy as hell." She said trying to get in my face. I pushed her against the window and got face to face with her.

"I'm crazy too. Shit. I know you need me but this is extreme. Climbing the side of my house? Really?" She mugged me and tried to grab me. I grabbed her wrists and held them against the wall.

"Yo aight let go." She said. I rolled my eyes and let her go. I sat down and got on my phone.

"Look, I'm trying to change my ways back to my faithful shit but you and everybody else ain't helping. I'm not all that so I don't see why I got so many girls on my line constantly. Fuck. I'm not staying here anyways TK. I'm moving in a couple months." I said. Her facial expression went from angry to disappointed.

"What? To go where?" She asked.

"Just know I'm leaving and I won't be back. I shouldn't even fuck with none of y'all." I said laying down. I had a lot to think about. She sat down next to me with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Damn. I respect that I guess. It would hurt me more anyways. I'll go Ariana. Have a good life wherever you're going." She got up and left without another word. I laid back and started thinking.

I honestly shouldn't talk to anyone. I'm gonna be picking up my life and moving at the end of August and it's nearing the end of June now. I fixed my hat and got up. I needed to get out of this house. I grabbed my keys and went outside to my car.

I drove off and kept driving until I reached my destination. I used to always come here with Tavaris a few years ago and sometimes with Jade. It was this forest but there was a waterfall very deep inside that not many knew about.

I started the hour long walk to the waterfall and immediately became disappointed when I got there. Jade was here with Nicole. My ex Nicole. I sat behind some trees and laid my jacket out so I could lay back.

I got even more disappointed when I seen who was meeting them up here. Jakari and Laylani. Guess who followed, Capri. What the fuck? I took my shirt and pants off and went to the other side where the waterfall was. I had to jump in once before I left. I wasn't about to let them ruin my mental getaway.

I jumped into the cold, refreshing water and swam my way to the top. I noticed Jakari was the only one who seen me. I submerged myself in the water and stayed under for as long as I could before going back up. I swam to the sand and walked back over to where my stuff was.

I dried my hands on my shirt and laid back to enjoy my surroundings. I would have brought my future wife here if I was staying but it looks like that won't be happening.

I heard footsteps and rolled my eyes. It happened to be Jakari. I looked at her and back to the roof of trees above me.

"I didn't think I would see you here." She said.

"This is my spot. You guys just had to be here the one day I needed to be by myself. I'm glad you are though. I had no idea all the girls I ever fucked with would be all buddy buddy like this. Excluding Laylani. Fuck y'all. Probably for the best anyways." I said. "I don't want to talk to you so like go back over there and have fun."

She let out a sigh and walked away. I closed my eyes and tried not to dip into sadness. Were they all just in on something? Was I... nevermind.

I deleted all of them from my phone and put my clothes on after air drying. I walked all the way back to my car and drove home. I think I might just leave early.

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