My special someone (daryl)

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-Daryl's pov-
Today (Y/n) and I are heading out to go on a run for more supplies. I got on my motorcycle as she got into the truck and we headed towards unexplored territory. We drove around until I stopped. (Y/n) looked out the window and asked "Daryl why'd you stop?" I smirked she's so pretty. I shook outta it and said "Oh umm we haven't been to this store so we should raid it." She nodded and got out of the truck. I got off my motorcycle and said "Well let's go." We walked into the store and looked around. We found Baby food for Judith, a pair of crutches for Hershel, some medicine and some blankets. I zoned out thinking about (Y/n). Her beautiful (e/c) eyes, her gorgeous (h/l) (h/c) hair. I zoned out once I was tackled to the ground. I snapped outta it and said "What was that for." (Y/n) glared at me and said "If you were actually paying attention you would've realized a walker was right behind you." I sighed and said "I'm sorry I just was thinking about someone special." She looked at me and asked "Who is this special someone?" I smiled and said "She has (e/c) eyes, (h/c) hair, she means a lot to me, she's pretty scratch that she's beautiful." She looked at the floor and said "I'm the special someone huh." I nodded and said "You'll always be my special someone. Even if I get shot in the heart you'll always be my special girl." I then kissed her not rough but softly. She surprisingly kissed me back. We pulled apart after 30 seconds or so. She hugged me and said "You'll always be my special someone Daryl Dixon." I hugged her back and said "Alright let's head back to the prison my baby girl." (Y/n) smiled and said "Let's go. Last one there's a rotten egg." She then ran off with me chasing after her. Boy do I love her so much.

Image number 2 completed. If I don't get any image request I'll just make one up. I hope you guys liked this image. Please suggestion someone or suggest a scenario.

Love Kenzie❤️

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