Who are you? (Abraham)

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I was looking through the older chapters and I saw I had 666 views on the one. Let's just say I died of laughter. 😂😂
Anyway this is about you (the reader) and Abraham being 10 years

-Flashback 6 years ago-
(Meaning you guys are 4)
-Abraham's pov-
I'm so excited I get to go over my bestest friend (y/n)'s house. It makes me sad that we couldn't hang out because she was busy, but oh well I can be with her all day! My mommy is taking me to her house right now!! I'm so excited I missed her so much. Once we made it to her house there was boxes? Why are there boxes? Maybe (y/n) got some awesome new toys? I don't know, I ran up the stairs to see (y/n) in her room crying. I immediately ran over to her and asked "(y/n) what's wrong?" She hugged me and said "Abe I'm moving! I don't wanna move. I wanna stay here with you! I love you!!" I hugged her back and said "Don't worry (your nickname) we'll always be the best of friends." She looked at me and said "I don't wanna move! Imma miss you! If I move that means no more play dates!! Or no more school together!!" I kissed her cheek and said "(y/n) everything will be alright. I promise!" She held out her pinky and asked "Pinky Promise?" I wrapped my pinky around hers and said "Pinky promise."

  That's when (y/n)'s mum said "Abe your mum is here to pick you up." My jaw dropped I looked at her and said "But I just got here! Why do I have to leave?!?!" Her mum gave me a sad look and said "Cause we're moving sweetie. We're going somewhere special and we won't be back for a while. Don't worry one day you guys will be reunited back together. (Y/n) give hugs to Abe, cause this is the last time you'll see him for a while." I gave (y/n) the biggest hug in the world. I didn't want to let go, but I had to because my mommy was here. I hope I see
(y/n) soon and that once we see each other again we remembers each other.

-flashback over-
I'm now 10 years old and (y/n) still won't slip my mind. Every day I ask my mum when I'll be able to see her again and the answers always the same... "Abe sooner than you expect." Everyday at school I feel left out cause (y/n) always colored with me. Now I'm stuck in math class learning about fractions all by myself. All my friends have other teachers while I have a meanie who makes me feel dumb. The good thing is in my class we are getting a new student. So right now I'm just sitting at my desk waiting for someone new to walk in. My teacher got a phone call and opened the door to let the new child in the classroom. She smiled and said "Class I'd like you to meet our new student. She went to this school before when she was younger and her name is (y/f/n) (y/l/n) ~meaning your first name then your last name~ so if you guys would be nice enough to be nice to her that would be appreciated. Now (y/n) you can sit next to Abe." My jaw dropped my best friend from when I was younger came back. I smiled and said "(y/n)! Do you remember me? We were best friends when we were younger!" She glanced at me and said "I'm sorry... do I know you?" That's when my world broke down....

Thank y'all for reading. I'm making a new story atm and I'd like y'all to give me some feedback. It's called "Do I know you?? (Nash Grier x reader)" I think it's gonna be an interesting story. I hope y'all check out the prologue and give me some feedback lol. As of now thanks for reading this story. I have many ideas lined up. (Not really tho 😂) if you have any ideas please comment them or you can text me them. I hope y'all like the prologue (if you decide to read it) and I hope y'all like this story.

Love, kenzie ❤️🖤❤️💯

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