Everything's gonna be alright (Daryl)

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-Daryl's pov-
I can't help but get really nervous. I'm going on my first run with my crush (y/n). She's been on many runs with Glenn, Rick, Michonne even one or two with Carl. She's always been apart of this family, from the start. She was the one that always made us smile when everything was upsetting. I love her with all my heart. I can't imagine a world without someone as beautiful as her. We walked in silence that was until she said "So I've been thinking... What's gonna happen if none of us survive? I mean what would happen if the world was only those damn walkers?" I thought for a second before saying "Don't worry Doll everything's gonna be alright." She put an arm around my shoulder and said "What's gonna happen if I were to die? How would everyone feel?" I looked at her and asked "Why are you asking all of this?" She sighed and said "I'm just really curious about stuff." I knew she was lying, but I can't force her to tell me anything. We continued to walk around until we found a home. We went inside to find Food,water,ammo,guns and some medicine. We took it all, only because we knew we'd need it. We went back outside and heard gunshots. Then I heard a lot scream. I looked next to me and saw (Y/n) bleeding really badly. She looked at me and said "Go on without me. It would be better that way." I picked her up and said
"(y/n) don't you dare leave me! Don't you dare!" She looked at me and said "Daryl just leave me." I ignored her comments and ran back to Hershel's farm. I screamed "Hershel! Hershel help please!
(Y/n)'s been injured!" I then looked at her and said "Don't worry everything's gonna be ok." I then ran into the house and Hershel got ready to do surgery. Oh god u hope she'll make it out alive. I then thought "Everything's gonna be alright. Everything will be alright. She'll make it out alive." All I can do is cross my fingers and hope to god she makes it out alive.

Image 7 is completed. I hope you liked this image. I'm in shock I checked the views on this story and it was at 11. I looked back 12 hours later and it's at 39. I'm guessing y'all like the story. Please leave a comment on who you'd like to see and a scenario. As of now hope you liked this image.

Love kenzie❤️

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