Enid x female reader

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This was requested by little_miss_mute I hope you like it

-(y/n)'s pov-
All day, every single day my friend Enid runs off with Carl, and if we do hang out Carl's all we talk about. It hurts me... I can't handle the pain any longer... I love her, I love her even though it's obvious she's into Carl. I love her even tho I know she'll never like me back.
Today I'm going to tell her whether she likes what I say, whether I ruin our friendship, and most importantly whether she likes me back. I don't care if the answer is not to those statements. I just want my friend back, I want her to be my girlfriend and most importantly I want someone to be there for me. Enid was always the one who held me while I cried, the person who helped me through my nightmares, and she was the one I fell head over heels for. That was until Carl's group came to Alexandria now she acts as if I'm not even here. I mean occasionally she'll say hi to me, but when was the last day we hung out? Idk maybe 2-3 weeks ago. I miss being with her, I doubt she even remembers my name. I bet she forgot all about me, or she just hates my guts. Either way I wouldn't blame her. Im ugly, fat, worthless, and most of all I'm a loser. (A/n you guys aren't like this. It's only for the story. I love all you guys and would never really say this to anyone of you) Well as for now I'm wondering around our small, enclosed town (idk how to describe Alexandria, like a small town? Village maybe idk) looking for Enid. I walked by the pond only to see her with Carl. I took in a deep breath, walked over to her and asked "Hey Enid... can we talk in private?" She smiled and said "Of course." I smiled and dragged her over to the side of the house. She looked at me and asked "So what did you need to speak to me about?" I took a deep breath before saying "Okay, so you may hate me after this, but I need to get it off my chest. Enid I've been in love with you ever since over met you. I've adored the way you helped me, while no one else would. I've loved the way you smiled and told me cheesy jokes. I love the way you smile all the time. I love the way you're you! I also love that..." That's when I was cut off by her lips touching mine. I kissed her back my arms going around her neck. Once we pulled away for air, I asked "what was that for?" She smiled and said "(Y/n) you're cute when you ramble on and on." My face got bright red and she asked "Will you be my girlfriend." I smiled, kissed her, then said "It would be my honor."

I'm so so so so sorry that this is bad. Everything I write is bad. I hope you at least liked this image. Thank you guys for the support. If you have any ideas either message me or leave it in the comments. As for now I need to sleep cause I'm tired 😂😴.

Love, kenzie🖤

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