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Adrienne, Friday Night.

This week went by pretty fast and finally it was back to the weekend. Although I didn't do much it was still my favorite part of any week.

I peeled off a piece of chicken before dipping it in the sauce. I am in fried chicken heaven. I took another piece before repeating the dipping.

"The tide is high but I'm holding on I'm gonna be your number one. Nuuuuuuumber ooooone. Nuuuuumber oooone" I sang along with Hillary Duff.

No matter how many times I've seen this movie I can always watch like the first time. Aside from the fact I know almost all the lines.

I danced on my spot on the couch. My mom is out with my aunt so I won't see her until tomorrow so me, Popeye's and Lizzie McGuire have the rest of the night together or until whenever I fall asleep.

By the time it finished I was still wide awake so I looked for another movie to watch. They were giving A scary movie so like an idiot I put it on knowing I'll be alone for the next few hours in the dark.

I was jumping up every two seconds. I don't know why I did this to myself honestly.

Some ghost like thing popped up out of nowhere, as they do best, and I screamed.

"Fucking little shit" I had my hand over my heart.

I changed the channel my heart couldn't take anymore excitement. They were giving Martian so I left it on that.

I went and threw my trash out that's when I heard a knock. I looked at the time on the microwave. It's almost eleven o' clock. I hesitantly walked to the door.

They knocked again. I stood on my tippy toes to look lit the peephole. What is he doing here?

I opened the door.

"Um.. hey" he moved the bag in his hand to the other side.


"You.. okay?"

I nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"I heard you scream and being the good neighbor I am I wanted to check on you"

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh you're a good neighbor now?"

"Well I'd like to think so"

"Mhm but I was um watching a movie"

"Lemme guess it was a scary one?" He smirked now.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up"

"I didn't think you'd be the type to be scared of movies"

"Well now you know my deepest secret"

"I'm honored" he put a hand over his heart.

I smiled before shaking my head. I looked back at the bag. "Went shopping?"

He looked at it too then back to me. "Uh no Ari brought over my stuff"

My eyebrows raised. "How come?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "We kinda broke up"

I pouted. "I'm sorry to hear that"

They looked like a cute couple to me.

"It's cool. It wasn't on bad terms so she's not too broken up about it and if she was I would've gotten this stuff back in ashes" he laughed a little.

I gave him a small smile. "So that's a good sign then"

He nodded. "Definitely"

I shifted on my foot. "No offense but was that it?"

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