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I woke up at 5 am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep so I was tired which put me in a bad mood then my dad was rushing me to get ready so we could have a family breakfast which he ran out of halfway through to get to work. Now I'm waiting for my mom who insists we should leave at the same time since she's been almost ready for the past 10 minutes.

I grabbed my bag off the floor.

"Alright I'm ready to go" she grabbed her keys and threw them in her purse before walking out the door.

I followed behind her and locked the door. I looked at my phone trying to find a song to start my day off with.

"Good morning Adrienne"

"Good morning Mrs. Marie"

"How are you?"

"Good and you?"

"I'm good too. Have you met my son yet?"

Adrienne shook her head.

Mom took one of my headphones out and my head snapped up to look at her with an eyebrow raised. "Adrienne this is Jaycee. Jaycee this is Adrienne"

She says introducing us.

"Hey" i mumbled.

Adrienne's eyebrows creased together before smiling slightly. "Hey"

MA elbowed me. "Boy if you don't give her a proper greeting"

I groaned in my head.

I put his hand out. "Jaycee"

She shook it awkwardly. "Adrienne"

The elevator came finally interrupting this awkwardness and we all got on.

"So what school do you go to Adrienne?" Mom asked being nosy.

"Jeremiah Malcolm"

That peaked my interest slightly.

"Really? Jay goes there too"

I glance at her.

"I never noticed him until you guys moved in" she says.

"Me either" i mumbled because today is my first day.

We got to the lobby and we all walked off. Adrienne held the door for us and we walked through. I forgot to say thank you but I just ignored it.

"I have to go the other way so Jay I'll see you later and Adrienne it was good seeing you" ma waved bye to us.

I nodded before walking away towards the train station. Hopefully now I can have piece and quiet so I can be tired. I made it to the station and swiped my card. I read the signs before walking to the downtown side. I walked a little before I decided that it was a good place to stand. The platform was packed but it wasn't empty either. I finally picked a song and started rapping to it in my head. I stared down the tunnel.

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