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Jaycee, That Night.

Adrienne grabbed my hand I guess thinking I was Cj. "Can we find the drinks first before we dance?"


Once we got through the people we stood on the line. It's was kinda hot in this house so my hand and hers were almost sticking.

"Are you gonna let my hand go now? Our hands our sweaty"

She let our hands go before apologizing to me. "Parties kinda make me excited"

"It's cool" I guess it's a girl thing but I really didn't mind it was just hand holding.

Cj walked over to us with cups in her hands. "Take these please"

Me and Adrienne both took one. " how'd you get drinks so fast?"

I tuned them out while I looked around the kitchen. Drinks were spilled on the floor and counters already.

"Can we go dance now?" Cj asked which brought me back to them.

I just followed them to keep an eye on them. With the way they're dressed and the way guys are such dogs these days is not a good mix especially when mixed with alcohol. Cj passed Adrienne her cup before grabbing some boy.

"Do you know how to dance?" She asked him.,

The boy smirked and licked his lips before nodding. He wants to fuck her but he'll take the dance since that's the closest he can get.

"iight cool" she took him away to dance.

I looked down at Adrienne before looking st Cj and the guy. "Is she always so aggressive with guys?"

"Yup. She's convinced guys are only good for one thing while they're young"

"You think like that too?" I looked down again.

She shook her head say no.

"So what are guys good for?" I wanna hear this.

She took a long sip. "Hoodies, killing bugs and sex but i can get sex from a girl too so barely that"

Hold up. Rewind that real fast.

"You like girls?" I was shocked and confused.

After a laugh she said. "Define what you mean by like"

"Like you're... attracted to them" I don't even know how to word that.

"Oh yeah sure. I've seen a lot of attractive girls" she surveyed the room while sipping.

"No but like... you'd be with one?"

"Hmm. Maybe not but only because I work better alone"

"You're the weirdest girl I've ever met"

"Thanks sweetheart"

I didn't know what to say after that honestly so I people watched for a minute until Nasty by Kid Ink ft Jeremiah and Spice came on.

"Do you dance?"

I shrugged. "Not to this"

"It's fine. I'll do all the work" she turned and started dancing on me.

I was caught off guard by that and the fact she can really dance.

The song changed to some other shit which she went buck wild to. After that she was tired and I was in shock. She fanned herself before turning around.

I snapped back and cleared my throat. "Alright I admit you can whine"

She smiled then put her hair up. "I got a little carried away when fever came on but that's my song so I had to show out"

Yeah I noticed.

"I be back I need a drink"

"Can you get me one too?" She smiled.

I just looked at her before walking away from the spawn of Satan. She gon try to be innocent after that dancing? Nah.


After I couldn't find Adrienne downstairs I checked the second floor where she wasn't either. I walked up the stairs to the attic opened the door. As soon as did the smell of weed hit me. I noticed Keem and Cj then Adrienne. She had a blunt in her hand and I didn't even think she was a smoker. I went and held her cup out for her to grab.

She took a hit before passing it to Keem and taking the cup out my hand. "You can blame Cj"

"I thought you got kidnapped" honestly.

Her expression changed. "I know how to fight"

"Good to know" i sat down next to Keem.

"You're mad?"

"Nah" why should I be?

They finished off the blunt and Keem was ready for another one. "You want jay?"

"Yea iight" why not?

We smoked that one then two was going around.

"Where this second one come from?" Adrienne held one blunt in each hand.

"I forgot I had one on my ear so I was like fuck it"

She hit one before passing it to me.

"Ya can rock with that one"

"Ain't gotta tell me twice"

"Rie, take this before I finish it"

They were talking bout something but I was hearing and not listening. I looked around the room before my eyes landed on Adrienne who was staring at nothing.

"You good butter cup?" I had to laugh.

She drank some before answering "Great and you professor?"

Keem and I started laughing again because she was super high.

"I'm great"

"mmhmmm" Broccoli came on downstairs and she started it off. "Ain't no tellin what I'm gonna be onnn aye aye I'm beyyond all that fuck shit"

We all joined her. " Hey lil mama would you like to be my sunshine, nigga touch my game we gon turn this shit to color blind, ice on my neck costs me ten times 3. 30,000 for a nigga to get flee"

She started dancing and Cj joined in. People started recording them even keem but after that 2nd or was it third blunt I was ready to take a nap which I did.

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