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This is the first and probably last time these POV's won't be of the same day. This is a few days after Adrienne moved into her dorm now.

Jaycee, Moving in Day

After I put my last bag down I started putting my stuff away into my closet while my roommate was out doing god knows what. Once all my stuff was in the closet I moved to my dresser then my nightstand. Finally all my stuff was away and my bed was fixed so I decided to go see who was at the lounge.

There were a few guys and some girls. I started to go sit on one of the single chairs but didn't get to make it before my roommate called me to over to sit with him and his friends. Turning and heading there instead I sat at the table between some girl with straight black hair that kinda reminded of me of Adrienne, which also reminded me to let her know I moved in, and my roommate Jordan.

The girl smiled at me and I gave her one back before looking over everyone else. There was a guy who looked like he played ball, an obvious football player by his jersey, another girl who just stared at me then another guy.

Jordan introduced them to me in clockwise rotation so there was India, Randy, Dominic, Yonni and Jesus.

Yonni looked me up at down before looking at India and raising an eyebrow. That was weird but I ignored it until later when everyone slowly started picking off for dinner or back to their rooms. Once it was just Jordan, Yonni and I, I took the opportunity to call Dri.

She picked up after a few rings. "Hey fake ass hoe"

I laughed. "Damn why i gotta be all that, Dri?"

"Because you know damn well you haven't called me or text me all day like a fake ass hoe."

"I was unpacking"

"And then? Don't say ya ass was sleeping either because that'd be some bullshit"

"Hold up, who got you cursing all crazy like that? Corie?"

"You've heard her she curses every other word now it's rubbing off on me"

"Go back to the Adrienne who barely curses you were calmer"

"I don't wanna be calm I wanna be hyper!"

"Are you on drugs?"

"Depends what kind you're asking about"

Jordan stood up suddenly and made eye contact with me before mouthing. "Foods here"

I nodded before turning my attention back to the phone. "Are you high?"


"So you've become a stoner in a week now?"

"Noo! i've only smoked twice since i've been here!"

"Yeah okay Adrienne" I looked at yonni who was across from me. She was on her phone doing something while popping her gum.


I jumped which cause Yonni to chuckle. "Adrienne why you yelling in my ear like that?"

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