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Jaycee, prom day

I woke up around 10 and just stared at the wall for a while before finally getting up to use the bathroom. Once that was done I dragged myself to the kitchen and made myself an omelette with some bacon.

After I ate I sat on my couch and watched tv for I think maybe the third time since I've lived here and it's weird honestly. Eventually I fell asleep again and woke back up around 1:49.



I was dressed and on my way to the barbershop to get my hairline back on it's shit.


My hairline was together and I was back to looking good.


I picked up my suit and was already tired again. I walked into my house and put my suit over the back of the couch while I ordered me some pizza and wings. While I was waiting for the food I took a quick shower and shit.


Food finally got here so I ate and started getting ready to meet Adrienne and Javier.


I knocked on Adrienne's door and a few seconds later the door opened and if i remember Dri said she was her aunt or something. We smiled at each other quickly before I walked in.

Dri's hands went to her face while my eyes looked over her in her dress real quick. I mean am still a guy and it's hard not to notice her boobs when they squeezed in the dress.

"Aw jay you look so cute in your suit and tie" Her mom complimented.

I smiled. "Thank you"

"Is this your date?" Angie asked.

Adrienne shook her head. "No just the best friend for today"

I wanted to add she said no because I'm a hoe so she didn't want people to get the wrong idea but how bad would that sound?

"Can you two take some pictures together anyway?"

She and I looked at each other before shrugging. We took a thousand pictures in every pose until we finally left to Keems house to meet him and Cj.


We got to Keems house and was bombarded by more cameras I felt like some celebrity at some show or some shit.


We got to where the prom was at by the water but it was dead cold. Who thought of having this by the water when it's not even fully summer yet? Shawtys out here shaking in they heels as soon as they step out the cars.


At first not having a date made me regret my hoe ways but that was until I started taking everyone's dates. I even kissed two right before they said they had to go back to their boyfriends.


We made it to the lounge where the after prom party was and some shawtys were already tipsy and hugging on people like damn.

1:45 AM

Adrienne was either really buzzed or drunk I couldn't tell but she just gave two boys a lap dance so probably drunk. Keem and Cj on the other hand been on the couch drinking and dancing with each other like couples do.

Some girl grabbed my shirt and I looked down to see who it was. Jazz.

"Hey jay" she slurred.

I raised an eyebrow. "You drunk already?"

"Yeah I didn't go to prom so-" she burped. "Excuse me" laughed. "So yeah I was drinking before I got here"

"You usually drink this much?"

She shrugged. "Depends on my mood"

I nodded. "So what's up?"

"I wanted to talk you about something"

"About what?"

She bit her lip then let it go before speaking. "I've kinda had a crush on you since you got to this school but I never acted on since you and Adrienne were together but then you started flirting with girls so I guess ya broke up?"

"Woah wait me and Adrienne were never together but I was in a relationship with someone else"

"Oh I just thought since you two are so close that-"

I cut her off. "Yeah I get that a lot"

Especially when I first started flirting with the girls at this school they'd all be like "go talk to your little girlfriend" like damn I can't have a close female friend?

"Well I'm glad you too are just friends so she won't be mad"

Mad? "Mad a wh-"

She pulled my neck down and kissed me. iight I was not expecting her to just do that right here at the bar but basically some how we ended in the bathroom and she was really trying to take my clothes off.

I pushed her back slightly again. "Jazz I'm not gonna fuck you in the bathroom"

"Why not? It'll be quick"

"Hold up I don't do quick" had to let her know she was fucking with a real freak.

"Fine then I'll be quick" she got off the sink and bent down on her knees in front of me. She pulled down my jeans then my briefs before getting to work with her mouth.

Apparently I'm fucking with a real freak too.

2:30 AM

Some tall dude threw up on the dance floor so they had to shut the party down early.

3:30 AM

We were all seated in a booth and some guy dapped up Keem while his girlfriend decided to share that she was getting dick tonight.

"She better get some for me because I damn sure ain't getting any tonight" Dri sipped her orange juice.

"You could've gotten some from one of the boys you danced with"

She was right next to me so I looked at her from the corner of my eye. "Yeah I seen you giving those two lap dances"

"Whaaaat? I really have no idea what you're talking about"

"Yeah mhm"

Alright amnesia patient.

She looked at Cj. "Anyways ew no thank you they were good people to dance on but that's about it"

We started talking about a whole bunch of other stuff before we actually left. By now the sun was rising so we all just took a cab back to Keems and crashed in his living room.

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