27. 2

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"Soo... what you been up to before this?"

"Well I got a promotion but I told you about that already so that's about it"

"Still have no love life then"

I laughed, "I'll be working on that real soon"

"Oh? You've found a target?"

"I wouldn't say found but a situation came up that'll work in our favor"

She went back to looking away from me, "so the feelings are mutual between you two then?"

I smiled at her even though she was looking down not at me "Yeah I think so"

"That's nice"

"What about you?"

"Oh you know same ol same ol nothing new"

"Nah I don't know you gotta elaborate"

"Unlike you I don't have a love life or anyone I share mutual feelings with"

"No one? Not one person?"

"Nope just unrequited love"

"You sure?"

She faked a laugh, "yeah I'm pretty sure"

I didn't wanna talk about it yet but the conversations are gonna head there anyway, "how do you know it's unrequited? Have you spoken to him about it?"

"Absolutely not and I won't be doing that"

"Damn so I guess I won't be working on my Love life then since the other half doesn't wanna cooperate"

She sat thinking for a minute before opening her mouth in an O formation, "you asshole!"

"Took you long enough to catch the hint I've been in love with you for years too but I didn't want to ruin our friendship"

She didn't say anything so I continued.

"Then you were doing your thing with other dudes so I figured my feelings were one sided so I tried dating other girls to get over you"

"But I was messing with other guys to get over you !"

"Why didn't you just say something?"

"Chasity, Corie and Keem have known for years"

"So they knew how you felt too? They never said anything to me when I talked to them about my feelings for you"

"They didn't say anything about yours to me either but that's probably because I kept telling them I'll tell you when we graduate" she took another shot before pouring another.

"When we graduate? How long have you known?"

"Uh... maybe two years? I don't know I lost count but that's when I told Chas and Keem"

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