Chapter 14

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My mind freaked out as I tried to decipher the words written on the crimpled, old looking paper. There were like a dozen names, and above each of them, a line was written which seemed to be some sort of allegations. No big deal, I thought at first. I was going to put the paper back quickly, but my eyes kept scanning it, reaching to the end.

Something stopped me right away. Something familiar. A name caught my eye which almost gave me a heart attack. My eyes were stuck on those words like glue. I trembled with fear and confusion when I read the words, "Stephen Richard - Major threat. Finished."

Stephen Richard? Dad?
No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. My mind was soon flabbergasted with various thoughts.

"Hey! Who are you and what are you doing here?" A middle aged man, with dark hair and tan complexion, wearing a suit, asked me in an amazed, yet authoritative tone. The paper fell from my trembling hands as my mind struggled to decode the man's words. Before I could say anything, Elan's father also came in. "What happened Sebastian?" He questioned the man standing next to him who was staring at me.

"Sir.." Sebastian uttered these words and came towards me fast. He picked up the paper from the floor and sweat ran down his forehead when he figured what the paper was. Something was definitely not right. But at that time, my mind was too bewildered to think any further. Without hearing anything else, I went out of the room, dragging my heels as fast as I could.

"Hey! Where are you going? I'm sorry, I..." Elan's voice was cut off when I ignored everything and everyone that came in my way and just kept going towards the main door.

"Cassie? What's wrong?" I heard him running towards me.

"I have to go home right now, Elan. We'll talk later."

"But..Cassie did someone say anything?"

"Yes. I mean, no! Elan please. Let me go. Thanks for inviting me. See you."

"Let me at least tell my driver to drop you."

"I will go on my own. It's no big deal. I've traveled alone many times before. Bye."

I left the mansion and waved at the first taxi that I saw. It came to a screeching halt. I jumped in, hoping that Elan wouldn't come out and stop me. "22 residential area, meadow apartments," I managed to tell the taxi driver of my address. "Across oak street?" He confirmed. "Yes," I replied. "Right away, young lady." He smiled.

I took off my heels and sank lower in the car seat. I rested my head on its back and closed my eyes. That same paper with those same words came right in front of my head. My dad's name? Threat? Finished??

Okay, calm down, Cassie. He was just a man with the same name as your father's. One half of me tried to calm me down.

Such coincidence? The other half rejected the false explanations.

It has been two years now. It's a long time. Plus, how would Elan's father or anyone in his family know about my father?

Because he worked for the FBI?

So what?! Elan's family doesn't have any sort of dirt on them.

Well, maybe because they keep it hidden? By hiding people who go against their will? Maybe agents?

No. No way. Stop it. Elan..Elan isn't that sort of a guy.

Who said he is? But I don't know about his father.

No..please stop.

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