Chapter 25

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Before we both could take any step, someone banged open the door. My pistol flew from my hands and I came stumbling down to the ground. I lay there with my face facing the floor and my hands touching it in order to save my precious face from getting bruised, right in front of Elan's feet.

Just great.

Katie it was. Who else could it be? There's only one wrong timer in my life and that's her.

First my so called lost love picks me up like a rapist and brings me to this room - the last thing I expected. And then my so called best friend emerges out of nowhere, kicking the door confidently on which I was leaning and putting me to the ground like a stupid kid.
How romantic.

I moved my head towards Miss Katie, looking like an angry bird. She was standing there, posing as a karate master. She gasped when she realised that she had just thrown her own partner to the ground.

"Cassie!" Elan's worried voice reached my ears as he bent down to help me stand up.

"You alright?!" Katie came rushing towards me.

"I'm fine, thank you!" I snapped at her while getting up and cleaned off any dirt on my clothes.

She laughed a little nervously knowing that if it weren't for Elan, I would have killed her. She hurriedly picked up my pistol and then noticed Elan from head to toe, saying, "Who's this young man?"

"As if you don't know," I said while narrowing my eyes.

We both could see Elan's face as confused as ever. "Uh, Elan Robert. And you are?" He managed to speak.

"Did I disturb you both? Oh, my bad." Katie faked a smile leaving the atmosphere uneasy.

I was definitely going to kill this girl now, I thought.

"But Cassie! What happened? Did he hurt you or anything?!" She pulled me towards her, aiming her eyes on poor Elan.

Before Elan and I could say anything or react, we heard heavy footsteps approaching us.

"Uh oh," I mumbled, getting ready for an attack.

"I guess we got company." Katie came back in her karate style.

"Uh, may I ask what's going on here?" Oh we totally forgot about Elan and were getting ready to march an attack on his own men before his own eyes.

In just a flash, Katie's knee came marching towards Elan's special part.

"Oww.." He groaned as he bent down in pain.

"Katie! What..." Before I could finish scolding her, a bunch of guys came rushing towards the room.

After 10 minutes

'"Phew! Thank God," Katie spoke making the last man kissing the ground.

"Ah my legg!" I murmured in pain. I had twisted my leg slightly while fighting.

"Are you okay?" She moved towards me.

"I..." Before I could finish my sentence, I heard a gun shot.

Katie's whole body trembled and her expressions went blank for a second as she came to a halt. She touched her bleeding left arm and moaned in pain.

"Katie!!" I shouted worriedly as I approached her and prevented her from falling.

In the meanwhile, I heard a sound of another shot. I shut my eyes and bended a little along with Katie, as a reflex action. When I apprehended that the bullet didn't go through us, I looked behind from where the sound came.

I saw one of the men crying in distress as he glanced at his right hand which was pierced with a bullet and was filled with blood. Dark red colour was dripping from his hand. I moved my eyes behind him to see what had really happened.

I saw Elan lying on the floor with a revolver in his hand. "You owe me one," he said.

That's when I realised what actually happened. The man whom Elan shot was preparing to fire another bullet at either Katie or me. But before he could do that, Elan held a revolver and shot his hand first, making his gun fall to the ground.

"Elan..," I murmered with watery eyes.

He shot his own or his father's men to protect Katie and me, even after what we did to him. I realised one thing that day, that Elan never stopped loving me. And he never stopped being such a gentleman.

"We need to go..," Katie muttered in pain.

I didn't want to leave Elan again, but I had to. I had to take Katie to a hospital and escape before more men came in to have our heads. I couldn't afford to meet Elan before I was finished with my mission.

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