Chapter 5

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Cassie's POV:

The next day, my eyes opened at 5:55am. Just five minutes before my alarm goes out of control. And now I was going out of control, because it was very rare that I would sit up straight in the morning before my alarm makes a noise.

I stretched while yawning and got up. I went towards the window to view the weather that was about to welcome me. I pushed the curtains aside. The morning was as assured as the tides and just as unstoppable. I needed a few more hours of blackness. Not to sleep, but to prepare for a long day that stood ahead of me.

I wanted to follow my father's path. I wanted to be like him. But I had a long way to go in order to do that. Sometimes, I liked the way I lived. I had always wanted to be independent. But there were times when I felt like giving up.

When my dad was alive, I lived a life of total ease. I was a normal high school girl, who had a bunch of crazy friends. In every summer vacations, we would go to our village to live with my grandmother for almost a week. Dad wished to stay longer, but his work wouldn't let him.

'This place has peace.' Dad used to say this whenever we would go there. Early morning he would take me for a jog and teach me some of the lessons that he learned while his own training before becoming an agent. It was hectic, but I enjoyed it well.

I stared outside the window for a few minutes. The sun filtered through the clouds. The birds had lined on the railing of the small terrace each apartment had on this building. I decided to enjoy the scene for a little longer when my phone rang. I picked up.

"Cassieeeee! Where have you been, you idiot? It has almost been a week since we last talked. And oh, good morning," An excited girl's shrill voice came running into my ears. "Katieeeee!" I copied her tone. Yes, Katie. How can I forget her. My best friend since high school.

Katie and I were like sisters. Her dad also worked for the FBI. A few days after my dad died, they moved to another town due to Uncle Sam's work. That was another major trauma for me after the death of my father. However, I survived. Everybody does.

After having a 15 minute chit chat with Katie, I hung up, because I was getting late for college. I hurriedly changed and left. I picked up coffee and cookies for my breakfast from a small coffee shop on my way. I ate them while walking. After crossing a few blocks, I reached my destination.

The lectures went fast. I finished my homework in the cafeteria as usual, had lunch, and went for my part time job.

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