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Oh gosh!

The three kept singing the song Friday by Rebecca Black. Over and over again. They're too hyper today.

Finally! We reached back home. My new home. With Soren.

"Whew. Tiring day." Soren said.

Seriously, Kare was the leader of the three. I guess Soren and I had our own world. What the heck!

"Lizzy," Kare called "I know you got a copy of The Conjuring. Let's watch it later tonight!"

I am seriously not a fan of horror and suspense movies. But they say, you wouldn't know unless you try. Maybe this time I will enjoy this movie.

Sasa and I never watched those kind of movies. Why I had a copy? My aunt from LA sent it to me. She said it was a one of a kind movie. I wish.

We all entered the house. You can barely see the tiredness in everyone's faces, including mine.

But the day must go on. It really should go on.

We all sat in the floor of the living room. It was a really big room. Watching on the 50" flatscreen TV given by Soren's aunt when he turned 17. We were watching news. Everyone was really silent. I couldn't really define why everyone was acting this way. Either everyone was absolutely tired. Or... Maybe because of the news.

My favorite reporter was there. "... And the current Queen of England, 60-year old Queen Elizabeth was..."

"I WANNA WATCH FOOTBALL!" Jascha screamed.

Jascha took the remote from Kare. The two looked more like two children fighting over a piece of candy. I mean, it's funny. If you would imagine it, 23-year old Jascha and 22-year old Kare pulling each other's earlobe. We just simply laugh at the two. They should be fine.

I yelled "Give me that!"

"No way!" Jascha cried like a child.

"Yes way!" I answered back.

Just a few funny moments of us. We are all childish sometimes. But yes, we are all mature.

I turned the channel and exactly! Martha Stewart show! And guess what's in the TV? Martha is cooking my favorite.. Reminds me of the Philippines. "Binagoongang Baboy" (a.k.a fish paste with pork).

"Wasn't that the one we ate on our Philippine trip last year?" Kare asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"I wish Soren would've enjoyed it. Only if he wasn't allergic to it. Can you eat it now without getting allergic, Soren? Just think twice!" Kare looked at Soren.

It was a terrifying night when we visited the Philippines. We ate binagoongang baboy at my Aunt's house and that night, Soren had a very high fever. He reached 41 degrees. I wouldn't want that to happen again! I don't wanna lose Soren. I love him. I really do.

"I can't promise you, Kare." He replied.

I whispered in Soren's ear "Don't worry baby, we should try if you are now immune to this."

While the boys are watching TV, I was there in the kitchen, cooking. Soren was sitting by the table. He was there, simply watching me cook.

It's funny how Soren, a Danish-born boy, really wanted to learn how to cook Filipino food. It is really a touching thing to know. He loves the Philippines too.

I tried to remember how mom used to cook binagoongang baboy. I tried to remember each detail. It was a fantastic dish my mom makes. Although raised in Denmark, I still have the love for the Philippines running into my veins.

"Time to eat!" I called the boys.

"Yummy! I can assure you, Soren, your [future] wife cooks best! How lucky!" Kare smiled at Soren and I.

"Thanks, Kare."

Everyone seemed to enjoy what I served. It wasn't at my best when I was cooking. I am really tired.

I did notice they ate the dish until it is totally gone. Soren, although frightened he would get sick again, he still managed to eat.

"I will wash the dishes. Kare, you prepare the DVD. We should watch The Conjuring right now!" Mikkel said.

Weird how we waited for 9 PM to come before we started to watch the movie.

Everyone seemed excited watching it. We all sat on the sofa. I had no choice, I was just too scared even before the movie started. I sat between Soren and Kare. I think Kare wouldn't mind me sitting beside him.

I think the movie runs around 2 hours, if I am not mistaken. Everyone kept silent. On the suspense moments, Mikkel mostly just throws the pop corn to Jascha. I think it was intentional. But I can really feel everyone feels the horror. No one is an exception.

Just as we were in the scene where the family in the story notices something weird with their house, with their mom getting stuck in the basement, I couldn't help but feel like I wanna scream on top of my lungs. I don't know why, I just do.

I just decided to hold Soren's arms. But wait!

"Are you feeling alright Soren?" I asked.

His skin was too hot. Oh I am starting to freak out now. I refused to continue watching the movie.

"I feel like I'm shivering." He said with a stuttering voice.

"Excuse me boys. I need to take him upstairs. You know what to do after the movie. There's a room allotted for you guys upstairs. 2nd room from the stairs." I told them.

While we were upstairs, in his room. The master's bedroom.

I let him wore his tank top and shorts. As I checked his temperature, I realized he was 40 degrees. Oh no!!!

I was freaking inside, but I tried not to show it to him. Then I went to the CR inside this room we're in. I took a lukewarm water and my handkerchief, and wiped it in Soren's skin. How I hope his fever would go down. How I wish this wasn't about our dinner.

"You should take a sleep now. Don't worry about me." He said. He was just concerned of me.

"Shh... Just take a rest. Get yourself stress-free for me please?" I said.

I hugged Soren, with the guilt in my heart. I realized I shouldn't have let him eat it. I wish I would have cooked other dishes. I was an idiot for doing this. Oh Lord, please make him feel better now. He makes up my whole life.

I checked his temperature again after 10 minutes. Just after checking... Gosh.. 42 degrees! This is crazy!!!

I knew he started to sleep already while I was hugging him, laying his head on my chest. I never have seen him this weak, this pity before. Tears started to fill my eyes, but I try to wipe it off before it falls on his forehead. I hugged him tightly. And kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry. I should have listened to you." I whispered.

I can stay awake all night. I can watch over Soren. He needs me. He needs me. It doesn't matter if I will lack sleep tonight. Anything I can do for Soren. I will do everything if this was for him.

I prayed even more tonight. I know prayers are powerful. I never had lost my faith in the Lord. I know He listen to our prayers. I hope He hears mine. He never wanted us to suffer. He doesn't give us obstacles in life we couldn't work out.

But all I have right now are prayers for Soren to feel better now. That's all I have.


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