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*Jascha in Narration*

"Let me go! I said let me go! What did I do to you?" I shouted.

"Too bad your little pet dog Lizzy isn't here to save you... So the owner should suffer." Sasa laughed.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER?" I answered back.

"Shut up your big mouth. I don't care what she'll say. It doesn't matter if she's now a queen. You're gonna suffer. It's been almost a month since you've got stuck in my claws." She grinned.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"Guys!" She pointed into the three armored men on the corner of the room. "Just send him to the stock room. He deserves to stay with the other girls we kidnapped..."


"... And you should pray hard for Soren's and Lizzy's safety. Who knows you won't see them again?"

The three armored men sent me to the room. It was very dark and quite cold and creepy. But I think I am not alone here. There are other people who's stuck in here. All I wish today is to get out of this safely and as soon as possible.

I sat near the window, beside a lady with a brown shoulder-length hair.

"How did Sasa find you?" She asks.

"I was watching over my friend's house. Actually, Lizzy's house." I sighed.

"Lizzy? How is she and Soren?"

I looked at her with wonder. "How did you know them?"

"I was there during their birthday concert. Remember? Anyway, I am Richel Rose." She shook hands with me.

"I'm Jascha."

I think it's been a while since I got stuck here and here we are! I met a new friend.

"You should meet my friend. Her name is Elsie." She smiled.

"Hi!" Elsie waved.

"How did the two of you get in here?" I asked.

"Well, it's a long story." Elsie looked down.

"Would you let me hear it, please?"


"We should surprise Lizzy with this gift." Elsie holds a teddy bear which she will give to Lizzy.

"Do you know where she will be later?" Her friend, Richel Rose said.

"I heard from other fans that she'll be here around 11:30 AM with Soren."

"Did you bring any paper?"

"What for?"

"Autographs! Did you forget about it?"

"Oh wait!!!" Elsie checks her bag. "This one!" She found a yellow scented paper.

"Scented paper?"

"This is what I got here. It's better than to have nothing!" Elsie smiled.

So the two girls waited for 2 hours. They stayed in the All Star Grills and Resto in London. A very popular restaurant, it has been said MLTR has been visiting this every once in a while after their world tour. But this time, MLTR will take a little break from their world tour before they continue their tour in Asia and Australia.

"Did you hear that?" Elsie cheered up as she heard The Actor being played.

"He takes you out and he takes you up!" Richel sang.

"I wish Lizzy was already here. Our MLTR girl would sing along with us."

"Hello. What's your order, Madame?" A waiter named Taylor approached the girls.

"You go choose, Elsie." Richel smiled.

The two girls nearly forgot what they were doing since they felt love at first sight with Taylor.

"Anything else, Madame?"

"That's all for now." Richel blushed.

Not too long, LeeAnn, the two girls' close friend, came in.

"Hey girls, how are you doing? Do you enjoy my restaurant?" LeeAnn smiled.

"We're doing... Great. Just waiting for... You know... Lizzy!" Richel replied.

"Michael... Uh that Michael thing band?"

"Yeah! Michael Learns To Rock!"

"Oh that's cool!" LeeAnn faked a smile.

LeeAnn looked at Taylor, trying to get some signal from him. The two girls didn't know they're in the middle of a dark plan. Sasa and LeeAnn are partners in this crime.

LeeAnn already knew that the band aren't coming to the venue anymore since they had security threats.

"Anyway," LeeAnn cleared her throat. "I wonder if you want to see our kitchen? You know...?"

"Sure that'll be cool!" Elsie stood up from her chair and Richel followed.

As they entered the kitchen, the two ladies felt weird because there wasn't anyone who was working there. Instead the room was empty.

LeeAnn suddenly closed the door. "Don't you dare to ever move!" She got her gun.

"Hey, LeeAnn, look!" Elsie said to LeeAnn. "If this is some kind of a joke, this isn't funny."

"Do I look like joking?" LeeAnn frowned. "Sasa, come over here. We got two now."

Sasa entered the room. "What a pleasant surprise. Lizzy, especially Soren, would be damn dead once she knew it's her fault why you're here."

"Liar! LIAR!!!" Elsie screamed.

All of a sudden, LeeAnn shot Elsie at her elbow, hurting Elsie.

"What did you do to my friend? What kind of animal are you?" Richel tried to fight back, but LeeAnn hit the gun on Richel's head, making her lose her consciousness.

Sasa looked at Taylor. "Take them away."

Taylor sent the two girls in a van to their way to the secret house Sasa owns. Sasa's plan was to one by one kidnap Lizzy's friends and torture them.

"Why are you doing this?" Elsie asked as she was sitting in the van beside Sasa.

"Well... If Soren wouldn't pay for all the trouble he brought to his dad, then I believe their friends had to pay for it." Sasa grinned.

"Let him alone! You damn liar!"

"You don't get me!"

"No! You are the one who doesn't get the point, Sasa?"

Sasa pointed the gun at Elsie. "Remember. Soren is an adopted child. An adopted child. Whether he likes it or not, he should give back to Kevin all the riches he is enjoying! Do you understand me?"

"Yes." Elsie rolled her eyes.

On the other hand, Elsie's best friend, Donna went to the restaurant to find her.

"Elsie? Elsie!" She screamed. "I gotta tell you this!!! It is not true Lizzy is co... Elsie?"

She entered the restaurant with fright. She doesn't know what exactly happened. All she saw there were blood on the floor and chairs scattered all over the room.

"No...." She started to cry.


"Well... Here we are now." Elsie sighed. "Only eating 3 times a week with a little supply of water. I don't know how to get out of here."

Jascha didn't say a thing. He, instead, hugged Elsie tight.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2014 ⏰

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