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That night, we had a private burrials. Of course with the royal family. Most of them were cousins of the late Queen.

The four of us were sitting in front. Pei Jing went home to Canada. It was just nice how she would give a visit as a sign of respect to the late Queen.

Kare, who was sitting beside me, kept looking at the door as if he just wanted to go outside and roam around London.

"Are you sure we should be here?" He asks Mikkel.

"Shh.." I whispered. "Pay respect. Royal people are surrounding us. We just have to act accordingly."

"Look, I'm just hungry. Are you serious we have to stay here until we get to be next in line to the Queen?"

I intentionally hit his arm with my elbow. "Don't say that. You know you're dying of hunger there while I die of thirst. Just stay calm."

And all of a sudden, Mr Leighman, who is now our secretary, approached us. I bet he saw Kare and I. It's already 10:00 PM and it's past my sleeptime. I had to rest now. I badly need to. I'm pregnant and I can't really handle too much stress. I worry about our baby more than I worry what the royals would think of me.

"Is there any problem, Madame?" He asks.

"Well, I kind of feel thirsty and I feel very tired today. I think I need a sleep now."

"Oh, we should get you into the private residence for you and Sir Soren. And yes, since you are pregnant, we should be taking care of you."

"Thank you."

Soren heard what Mr. Leighman said. "I'll come with you. I will just have to see her for a few more moments now and we will go."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. Alright just ready yourself. Don't worry, it won't take long."


While Soren stood in front of the coffin, Mr Leighman got me a glass of water and a coat. It's a little cold outside. It just finished raining.

After a few moments, Soren got back to us. "Come, let's go." He said as I wrapped my arms in his right arm.

"Are we coming? We're lost in London. Help us please, Mr Leighman?" Kare asked.

"Sure. It's a mansion where we will be staying. There's a lot of rooms there where you can stay. Come with us."

"Best days of my life!" Mikkel cheered.

"Are you sure there won't be much paparazzi outside?" I asked Mr Leighman.

"I'm pretty sure there won't. Just wear these so they won't be able to recognize you." He handed Soren a hat and a coat while he gave me a scarf.

"Thanks a lot." I told him.

"That's my job."

It was an hour away from where we would stay. As we were travelling, I laid my head on Soren's shoulder and took a deep breath.

"We might be burying her remains this coming Saturday. That's 3 days from now." Mr Leighman said as he drove the car. "And by the Sunday, Sir Soren will be crowned as the new King of England. Of course Madame Elisha is his queen."

"Wow! From zero to hero! I can't believe this!" Mikkel smiled.

"Jascha would have thrown a party if only he was here. You know him. He celebrates on every little things we achieve. Even the day you first got A+ on all of your grades in school. Remember that, Soren?" Kare said

"Surely did. Anyway, where is he? How is he doing? I have not heard any news from him since we left."

"No, sorry. He wasn't answering any of my calls. Maybe he is on a vacation. Don't worry, he sure did lock your house."

"Ha ha. I worry more about Jascha more than I do with the house. Any idea where he might be going? You know.. Sasa kidnapped him. Glad he was set free."

"Now that is something I couldn't predict."

They didn't know Mr Leighman was listening to their conversations. "She and her husband are total criminals. Didn't you hear they're already one of the most wanted?"

"They are?" Soren wondered.

"Yes. And that is why we are always looking out for the four of you. You couldn't say she won't do any harm to you when she did harm your friend."

The car took a sharp curve to the right that made me wake up.

"What was that? Uh are we near?" I asked.

"Approximately 10 minutes away, Madame. Don't worry."

"Alright. Thanks."

"I just feel sorry for Lizzy that her best friend turned out to be a monster when she met her husband. Lizzy and Sasa were good friends." Kare said.

"What about Sasa? What did she do again?"

"She didn't do anything. Mr Leighman just said that she and her husband were one of the most wanted nowadays."

"No way. How could all these happen?"

"Well Lizzy, sometimes I do say that I believe that nothing's permanent in this world except change. Strangers into friends, friends into best friends, best friends into strangers. It's a sad cycle. But that's life. You had to strive hard to pick up the real diamonds, not the fake ones."

"Thanks for the advice. I guess in the end, some people become the people that they promised they'd never be."

"That's true."

"Alright. Here we go! Enjoy your time in this mansion." Mr Leighman cheered.

"Cool. Finally. We're here."

It really is a big one. Somewhat like as big as the one Soren bought before. We were informed to stay in the bedrooms on the second floor. Soren and I headed to the master's bedroom while Kare and Mikkel picked theirs.

It was our first night to sleep in London. Little did I know that by Sunday, exactly the end of the month of August, Soren is going to be officially the King.

But by this time, I just had to sleep while Soren looks at the city lights of London.


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