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Mom and Dad were speechless about this.

"Yes, Tito and Tita (tagalog terms for Uncle and Aunt)." Soren said.

"I wish we told them about this earlier." I whispered to Soren.

"Alright. When you arrive on the airport, please let us know." My dad said.

"Is it alright with you Daddy?"

"Yeah. I mean, of course. You and your mom know his mom even before the two of you came into our lives. It's funny how we used to say that the two of you will end up getting married. And here it is... It's more than a dream. It's real. It's really happening."

We all laughed.

"Uhm, mom? Dad? I think it's already late there. Maybe you should take a rest now."

"Alright, we should leave you both alone now. See you guys in 3rd July." Mom said.

We were busy the following days doing shows from city to city in the eastern part of USA. I think this is just a preview of how our lives would be when the rest of the world discovers us.

July 3rd. This is the day. We had arrived in Copenhagen. Mom was there, wearing a grey shirt and her walking shorts and the converse shoes Dad bought her when I was 15. Just the same as the last time I saw her. And Dad, he was wearing the polo shirt I sent him this year paired with his jeans and rubber shoes.

I badly missed them. Since it's been years since we were together physically. There was always Skype and FaceTime since I was 11. My Grandma took care of me, but sadly passed away last year.

Soren, along with his parents and his twin brother and I, with my grandma, left Denmark when we were 6 years old, turning 7. That's how Soren and I really met. But here we come back, only having the two of us. The others passed away apart from Soren's dad, who now has a new family.

Of course, we took the 3 boys with us too. Little did we know that the five of us, long ago, rode the same plane to the USA and lived on the same village even before all of us met one another.

"You two have really grown a lot! What did you take?" Dad asked.

Mom was standing 5"4' while Dad is 5"7'. You could imagine how small they look when I stand 5"11' and Soren, 6"4'.

"A lot of milk and sleep I guess." I jokingly said.

Soren's late Uncle also stood 6"4', and my aunt was 5"9', so that wouldn't be a wonder why we grew tall. I guess so tall.

Like I said, here it goes. A lot of people in the airport did recognize us. Common question was, "Can you sign my CD?" . We didn't expect anything like this to happen in the airport.

We were, again, so busy before the day of our wedding. But this time, we were fixing a lot of documents. And of course, plans for the wedding.

"We should make the wedding private." I told them.

"No problem, madame!" Mikkel replied.

I didn't take me long to choose what my wedding dress would look like.

"I don't really want a really glamorous diamond-studded wedding gown Mom!!!" I replied. "I mean, that might be a little bit too much. I want something elegant. A few designs on the gown would be fine for me."

"How about this?" She asked.

It was a tube wedding dress. It had a ribbon like by the waist, and had like a beautiful flower pinned on the ribbon. It had 3 layers of clothing. Sure I would't mind that. Outer layer was white silk. Not bad!

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