Chapter 1

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© 2013 by LifeAsIKnowIt. All rights reserved. 


I can’t believe he did this to me. After 3 years, did I mean nothing to him? Did he mean anything he said to me? Did he even care? Unanswered questions kept running through my head. I know I looked like a idiot sitting in my beat up Pontiac Grand Am in the school parking lot. I could feel the students eyes, they weren’t even trying to be subtle. Assholes.  At least I couldn’t hear them, my bass was cranked, system of a down blaring through the speakers. I ran my hands through my long brown and blonde hair and wiped my hazel eyes with my sleeve. He doesn’t need me? Fine! I don’t need him. I knew it was a lie as soon as I thought it, but dammit I’m a good liar.

How can someone reject there mate? I shook my head again, feeling like such a fool. I believed everything he said to me. Wanting to wait to claim me or even mate.

“Baby girl, we don’t need to be worried about that until after we graduate, I love you Eryn”  thinking about it now, I still couldn’t detect the lie.  Letting out a frustrated squeal I hit my steering wheel.

 “GOD I’m so Stupid” i hit the steering wheel again this time leaving a dent. I pull out my cell and type a message to my best friend. 

“You tell me Kelsey, what male doesn’t want to fuck a willing female?”  My phone began to ring, I knew she would call.

“seriously Kelsey what male?”

“Eryn I’m so sorry I heard! where are you? I’ll go grab ice cream, and chocolate don’t worry it’ll blow over and you two will be happy and together by Friday”

I couldn’t help the eye roll

“Kelsey, he rejected me. In front of my science class. Then walked over to slutty Leanne and kissed her. HE USED TONGUE WHILE LOOKING AT ME” I couldn’t help the tears that started to fall again. My one person that was meant for nobody but me, my soul mate, my reason for living did not even want me.

AGH screaming  I threw my phone in the back and started hitting my steering wheel again. I finally stopped after hearing the bell for class, math last class of the day. Wiping my snot and tears on my sleeve one last time I checked my mirror. My eyes were red and bloodshot; my face was the color   of a tomato.

 “Ok, ok its ok I can work with this, I can look good, ill strut right into my chair and  ... oh my god I’m talking to myself, I have resorted to talking to myself I need to stop talking right now.” Shaking my head I grabbed my makeup out of my middle consol. Once satisfied I got out of my car, and ran right into Kelsey and Jake, How did I not see them there?

“Sorry I needed to have a “Eryn moment”  looking at my two best friends

“That’s alright love; let’s go we aren’t going to class. I have rum hidden in my room, a lot of it” Kelsey said with that devilish smirk.

“When don’t you have rum Kelsey? I think it’s time to admit you have a problem”

“I do not have a problem Jake if anything it’s you!”

As I watched my two best friends bicker, I studied Jake. He was always so handsome, with his baby blue eyes and blonde gelled hair. We always hoped we were each other’s mates. He was my first kiss, and when there was no spark I couldn’t let it continue, knowing I would hurt my other half. Of course if I knew then what would happen to my so called other half I would have jumped his bones right then and there.

“NO YOU are the asshole, how dare you bring up what happened at camp, what’s wrong with you?” Kelsey screaming pulled me out of my head. Oh my god they were still going off, about camp? What?  Holy Jesus I need better friends.

Stepping in between both of them I couldn’t help but smirk

“I believe we are due to have a good bender”

Kelsey and Jake jumped in the car without a second word, figures.

Starting up Betsy I ripped out of the parking lot, with a smirk on my lips I made sure to hit the puddle, splashing the still gawking assholes.  

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