Chapter 23

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Pulling into the warehouse I felt a sense of dread; I’m severely outnumbered here.

“Play it cool; we are human remember?”

My cell started to ring in my middle console… again. I knew Blake would be pissed when he woke up to find me gone, but I needed to do this and I was still a little mad at him. It’s not like I need to prove myself; but just the fact that he doesn’t think I can handle this really pisses me off. Grabbing my phone and putting it on silent I stepped out of my car.

My heels crunched underneath the gravel; I actually agreed with Rosie today and loved my outfit. My washed out denim skirt was tight- but comfortable and not to long. I wore a tight long sleeve black shirt that “accented my breasts” as Rosie put it. Flipping my hair over my shoulder I walked to what looked like the entrance to the warehouse.

It looked like any other abandoned warehouse; the windows were smashed. The grass around the building was severely over grown and the roof had pieces of the shingles lying around the front. What a dump.

I was just about to knock when the door was yanked open by non-other than Nolan.  

I through my hand up to shade my eyes from the sun

“Hello Nolan”

His trademark smirk plastered his face

“Eryn; looking gorgeous as usual. I didn’t think you would show up”

He gestured for me to follow him; I couldn’t help but watch his ass as he walked. Again- it’s such a shame he loathes are kind. He bent down grabbing two waters out of a cooler.

“Here babe, you must be thirsty.”

Looking around the warehouse as I took a drink, I wasn’t surprised to find it looked just like the outside. The dust coated the walls and floor like a second skin; the machinery looked like it last ran in the 20’s.

“What a nice dump you have here Nolan”

His booming laugh echoed around the warehouse, turning around his gaze captured mine.

“Keeping up with appearances babe. Come”

I started to feel a little antsy walking through the many corridors; the warehouse didn’t look this big on the outside.  I couldn’t have been the only were to think of going under cover as a spy. Maybe somebody has done this to him before? Maybe he figured it out? Oh my god he knows I’m not human and he is leading me to my dea-

“What is that sound Eryn?”

Nolan’s voice broke me out of my reverie; thank god my thoughts were starting to head to a scary place.

“Uhm… what sound?”

Just as I said it I heard the buzzing again… my fucking phone was vibrating from Blake again.

“Oh! It’s my cell, I have it on vibrate”

He looked like he was expecting me to elaborate; fuck that!

“…And… are you going to answer it?”

I shook my head no.

“No, I’m not… Not that’s it’s any of your business Nolan… but I had a one night stand last night; he programmed his number in my cell when I was asleep. I already answered it once this morning; I don’t feel like talking to him.”

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