Chapter 30

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This chapter is not edited. If you see a mistake- let me know ill fix er. 

Oh and i feel i should warn y'all ( although this story is already rated R so its expected) i got some sexual tension in this chapter. 

I bet all you little pervs are happy ;) 



Chapter 30

I quickly threw some clothes in a bag; I’m sure Blake or Will would come to find me soon. I cringed thinking about Blake and how furious he was.

“Oh well”

Shaking my head I went to search for my back pack. What did he honestly expect anyways? That his little hoe bag was going to be scot free? She killed the alpha for fucksakes!

“We are scot free”

“That different Rosie and you know it; we are the alpha now.”

Grabbing the knapsack from underneath the bed I went about grabbing articles of clothing. I had no idea where I was going yet- so it was hard trying to decide what type of clothes to bring. Jeans and t-shirts go anywhere really though- so I grabbed a few pairs of shorts as well. Turning around to go into the bathroom I grabbed my makeup bag and straightener.

I would have bet money that Will or Blake would have been in here by now- but I couldn’t hear anybody coming up the stairs. Shrugging I looked around room for anything else I should bring… It’s not like I even wanted them coming up here in the first place- just surprising that they haven’t. 

Looking down I quickly grabbed my phone charger and cell.

“Maybe it’s a good thing to leave those- starting fresh and all”

I turned around- throwing the cell and charger on the bed and walked to the kitchen. Rosie was right- as usual- It is a new start and who knows if ill even ever come back anyways.

Raiding the cupboards I stuffed some non-perishables in my bag with some water. If I stayed in wolf form I would be able to hunt but I knew I had to have a plan to stay alive in case I couldn’t shift. I wouldn’t admit it but I was a little excited to go off on my own. Sure I have before but this time- this time it was on my own term. I wasn’t a pathetic heartbroken damsel in distress anymore- I was Eryn Jay, Alpha and beta of Midmoon and I’ll kick anyone’s ass who tries to harm me. 

Smiling to myself I zipped up my back pack and started to head to the patio door; I didn’t think I would smash into Will- making me gasp in surprise.

He grabbed my wrist- rather roughly- and dragged me towards the tree line.

“Will what are you doing?”

Trying to get his grip to loosen up was a futile attempt. He was mad- no- he was a mad alpha that, no matter how much I deny it- is stronger than me; A lot stronger.

“Just come on”

As we walked he still wouldn’t let go of my wrist or speak to me. Looking over at him I could tell he was a man on a mission. His jaw was tight and rigid; his eyes focused ahead of him. I didn’t realize he stopped walking until he dragged my arm back. We were in front of my stream; why?

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